



\item A random sample of ten people from the US will \alt<5>{{\color{blue}on average}}{on average} produce
five men and five women, but... \uncover<+->{ any given trial is likely to over-represent one sex and underrepresent
the other.}
\item Analogy: if you flip a fair coin 10 times, \alt<5>{{\color{blue}on average}}{on average} you'll get 5
heads and 5 tails, but... \uncover<+->{ sometimes we might get 7 heads and 3 tails, and other times 8 tails
and 2 heads.}
\item What does ``\alt<5>{{\color{blue}on average}}{on average}'' mean above?
\item It means that if we were to take a lot of samples.... blah blah.


然而,\alt<5>{{\color{blue}on average}}{on average}我不想懶惰地放置\groupA{on average}「平均」的前兩個實例,而在第三個和最後一個實例上放置類似的東西\revealGroupA{on average}。也就是說,我想編寫以下程式碼但獲得與上面相同的輸出:


\item A random sample of ten people from the US will \groupA{on average} produce
five men and five women, but... \uncover<+->{ any given trial is likely to over-represent one sex and underrepresent
the other.}
\item Analogy: if you flip a fair coin 10 times, \groupA{on average} you'll get 5
heads and 5 tails, but... \uncover<+->{ sometimes we might get 7 heads and 3 tails, and other times 8 tails
and 2 heads.}
\item What does ``\revealGroupA{on average}'' mean above?
\item It means that if we were to take a lot of samples.... blah blah.



  • 在範例中,參數(“平均”)始終相同,但在其他用例中並非如此。

  • 我在數學中也經常這樣做,因此該命令在數學及其之外工作會很好。

  • 我可能會在同一文件的幾個不同框架中使用這種機制。

  • 不確定是否相關,但我計劃擴展答案以創建一個\groupB命令,該命令本質上會執行相同的操作但使用不同的顏色。這樣做的原因是我可能想在同一框架中使用\groupA和。\groupB






\setbeamercolor{alerted text}{fg=blue}






\item A random sample of ten people from the US will \groupA{on average} produce
five men and five women, but... \uncover<+->{ any given trial is likely to over-represent one sex and underrepresent
the other.}
\item Analogy: if you flip a fair coin 10 times, \groupA{on average} you'll get 5
heads and 5 tails, but... \uncover<+->{ sometimes we might get 7 heads and 3 tails, and other times 8 tails
and 2 heads.}
\item What does ``\revealGroupA{on average}'' mean above?
\item It means that if we were to take a lot of samples.... blah blah.



