




\documentclass[tikz, border=6mm]{standalone}
\usetikzlibrary{arrows.meta, positioning, shadows}

node distance = 5mm and 7mm,
   arr/.style = {-Triangle,very thick},
   box/.style = {rectangle, draw, semithick,
                 minimum height=9mm, minimum width=17mm,
                 fill=white, drop shadow},
\node (n1) [box] {Task};
\node (n2) [box, below right=of n1] {Representation};
\node (n3) [box, above right=of n2] {Skils};
\node (n4) [box, below  left=of n2] {Difficulty};
\node (n5) [box, right=of n2] {Solution};
\draw[arr]   (n1) -| ([xshift=-3mm] n2.north);
\draw[arr]   (n3) -| ([xshift= 3mm] n2.north);
\draw[arr]   (n4) -| (n2);
\draw[arr]   (n2) -- (n5);



  1. 透過scale=<percent>, transform shapetikzpicture.這只會幫助一些人;最終你需要...
  2. 重新組織流程圖節點,使其適合。




\usepackage{tikz, lipsum}
\usetikzlibrary{positioning, decorations.pathreplacing, calc, arrows.meta, shapes.geometric}

    bigbox/.style={draw, rounded corners, minimum width=2.5cm, minimum height=1.5cm},
    smallbox/.style={draw, rounded corners, minimum width=2cm, minimum height=1cm},
    bigcircle/.style={draw, circle, minimum size=2cm},
    bigellipse/.style={draw, ellipse, minimum width=3cm, minimum height=2.5cm},
    place/.style={inner sep=0pt, outer sep=0pt},
    fork/.style={decorate, decoration={show path construction, lineto code={
        \draw[rounded corners, ->](\tikzinputsegmentfirst)-|($(\tikzinputsegmentfirst)!.5!(\tikzinputsegmentlast)$)|-(\tikzinputsegmentlast);}

\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=.8, transform shape, node distance=1cm, >=Latex]
  \node(A)[bigbox]{Text A};
  \node(B)[bigbox, right=of A]{Text B};
  \node[place](X)[right=3cm of B]{};
  \node(C)[smallbox, above=2.5mm of X]{Text C};
  \node(D)[smallbox, above=5mm of C]{Text D};
  \node(E)[smallbox, below=2.5mm of X]{Text E};
  \node(F)[smallbox, below=5mm of E]{Text F};
  \node(G)[bigbox, above=of D]{Text G};
  \node(H)[bigbox, right=of C]{Text H};
  \node(I)[bigbox, below=of H]{Text I};
  \node(J)[bigbox, below=of I]{Text J};
  \node(K)[bigcircle, below=of J]{Text K};
  \node(L)[bigbox, left=of K]{Text L};
  \node[place](Y)[left=3cm of L]{};
  \node(M)[bigbox, above=2.5mm of Y]{Text M};
  \node(N)[bigbox, below=2.5mm of Y]{Text N};
  \node(O)[bigellipse, left=3cm of Y]{Text O};




%\documentclass[tikz, border=6mm]{standalone}

\usetikzlibrary{arrows.meta, positioning, shadows}

 Alice was beginning to get very tired of sitting by her sister on the bank, and of having nothing to do: once or twice she had peeped into the book her sister was reading, but it had no pictures or conversations in it, “and what is the use of a book,” thought Alice “without pictures or conversations?”

        node distance = 5mm and 7mm,
           arr/.style = {-Triangle,very thick},
           box/.style = {rectangle, draw, semithick,
                         minimum height=9mm, minimum width=17mm,
                         fill=white, drop shadow},
        \node (n1) [box] {Task};
        \node (n2) [box, below right=of n1] {Representation};
        \node (n3) [box, above right=of n2] {Skils};
        \node (n4) [box, below  left=of n2] {Difficulty};
        \node (n5) [box, right=of n2] {Solution};
        \draw[arr]   (n1) -| ([xshift=-3mm] n2.north);
        \draw[arr]   (n3) -| ([xshift= 3mm] n2.north);
        \draw[arr]   (n4) -| (n2);
        \draw[arr]   (n2) -- (n5);
    So she was considering in her own mind (as well as she could, for the hot day made her feel very sleepy and stupid), whether the pleasure of making a daisy-chain would be worth the trouble of getting up and picking the daisies, when suddenly a White Rabbit with pink eyes ran close by her. 



\tikzset{continue chain=going …}



\usetikzlibrary{arrows.meta, positioning, chains, ext.paths.ortho, quotes, shapes.geometric}
\tikzset{tight matrix/.style={every outer matrix/.append style={inner sep=+0pt, outer sep=+0pt}}}
  node distance = 5mm and 7mm,
  arr/.style = {-{Triangle[scale=.75]}, very thick},
  arr*/.style= {arr, rounded corners},
  box/.style = {rectangle, draw, semithick, rounded corners=3pt,
                minimum height=9mm, minimum width=17mm},
  boxie/.style={box, minimum height=7mm, minimum width=14mm},
  ell/.style = {box, shape=ellipse},
  start chain=ch going right,
  every join/.append style=arr,
  marker/.style={node font=\small, fill=white, inner sep=1pt, outer sep=8pt}
\node[box, on chain]       (n1) {Task};
\node[box, on chain, join] (n2) {Representation};
\matrix[node distance=1.5cm, on chain=ch, tight matrix]{
  \tikzset{start chain=m going below, node distance=3mm}
  \foreach \i in {1, ..., 4} \node[boxie, on chain]{};
\foreach[count=\i]\t in {4, 3, 2, 1}
  \path (n2) edge[arr*, horizontal vertical horizontal,
                  "$\t\,\%$" {left, marker, at end}] (m-\i);
\scoped[start chain=x going above]
  \chainin (m-begin) node[box, on chain, join] (top) {Hat};
\chainin (m-2);
\node[box, on chain, join] {Pi};

\tikzset{continue chain=going below}                           % ← turn down!
\node[box, on chain, join] {Pa};
\node[box, on chain, join] {Po};
\node[ell, on chain, join] {Ellie};

\tikzset{continue chain=going left}                            % ← turn left!
\node[box, on chain, join] (ta) {Turn};

\matrix[node distance=1.5cm, on chain=ch, tight matrix]{
  \tikzset{start chain=m going below, node distance=3mm}
  \foreach \i in {1, 2} \node[box, on chain]{};
\node[node distance=1.5cm, ell, on chain] {};
\foreach[count=\i]\t/\u in {A/C, B/D}
  \path[arr*, horizontal vertical horizontal]
      (ta) edge["$\t$" {right, marker, at end  }] (m-\i)
    (m-\i) edge["$\u$" {left,  marker, at start}] (ch-end);


