將參考書目 biblatex 中包含空格的名稱加粗

將參考書目 biblatex 中包含空格的名稱加粗

我正在實施提出的第一個解決方案這裡在 biblatex 參考書目中對名稱進行粗體選擇。

我遇到的問題是名稱中包含空格“”。那麼該解決方案不適用。例子Le Texier

  title = {How Far Do People Travel to Use Urban Green Space? {{A}} Comparison of Three {{European}} Cities},
  author = {Schindler, Mirjam and Le Texier, Marion and Caruso, Geoffrey},
  date = {2022-04-01},
  journaltitle = {Applied Geography},
  volume = {141},
  pages = {102673},
  doi = {10.1016/j.apgeog.2022.102673},


    \forcsvlist{\listadd\boldnames} %this is the model of filter
      {{Herrmann, Wolfgang~A.}, {Herrmann, W.~A.}, {Herrmann, Wolfgang\bibnamedelima A.},
      {Herrmann, W\bibinitperiod\bibinitdelim A\bibinitperiod}}
   \forcsvlist{\listadd\boldnames} %this is my implementation of the filter
      {{Le Texier, Marion}, {Le~Texier, Marion}, {Le Texier, M.}, {Texier, M\bibinitperiod}}



在基於字串的方法中,帶有空格的名稱可能會很棘手。如果你檢查該.bbl文件,你會看到 Biber 生成

       family={Le\bibnamedelima Texier},
       familyi={L\bibinitperiod\bibinitdelim T\bibinitperiod},

這就是所有biblatex看到的,所以你必須使用Le\bibnamedelima Texier而不是Le Texier

  {{Le\bibnamedelima Texier, Marion}, {Le\bibnamedelima Texier, M\bibinitperiod}}

其作用原理如以下 MWE 所示


  \edef\blx@tmp@name{\expandonce#1, \expandonce#2}%



  {{Le\bibnamedelima Texier, Marion}, {Le\bibnamedelima Texier, M\bibinitperiod}}

  title        = {How Far Do People Travel to Use Urban Green Space?
                  A Comparison of Three {European} Cities},
  author       = {Schindler, Mirjam and Le Texier, Marion
                  and Caruso, Geoffrey},
  date         = {2022-04-01},
  journaltitle = {Applied Geography},
  volume       = {141},
  pages        = {102673},
  doi          = {10.1016/j.apgeog.2022.102673},

% just for demonstration


辛德勒,M.,M.勒特克西爾,G.卡魯索。 「人們要走多遠才能使用城市綠地?三個歐洲城市的比較」。請參閱:應用地理學 141(2022 年 4 月 1 日),第 14 頁。 102673.doi:10.1016/j.apgeog.2022.102673。

像這樣的問題就是為什麼我熱烈推薦基於哈希的方法,如我的答案使用 biblatex 將特定作者加粗



\def\nhblx@bibfile@name{\jobname -nhblx.bib}

  @comment{Auto-generated file}\blx@nl}


    @misc{nhblx@name@\the\value{nhblx@name}, author = {\unexpanded{#1}}, %
          options = {dataonly=true},}%










\addboldnames{{Le Texier, Marion}}

  title        = {How Far Do People Travel to Use Urban Green Space?
                  A Comparison of Three {European} Cities},
  author       = {Schindler, Mirjam and Le Texier, Marion
                  and Caruso, Geoffrey},
  date         = {2022-04-01},
  journaltitle = {Applied Geography},
  volume       = {141},
  pages        = {102673},
  doi          = {10.1016/j.apgeog.2022.102673},


米賈姆·辛德勒、瑪麗昂·勒·特克西爾和傑弗裡·卡魯索。 「人們要走多遠才能使用城市綠地?三個歐洲城市的比較」。請參閱:應用地理學 141(2022 年 4 月 1 日),第 14 頁。 102673.doi:10.1016/j.apgeog.2022.102673。
