This is an example of unbroken line.
By the equation above we argue that the following equation (by Euler) $e^{i\pi}+1=0$ which is useful.
This is an example of \textbf{manually} broken line
By the equation above we argue that the following equation (by Euler)
$e^{i\pi}+1=0$ which is useful.
然而我不喜歡它,因為它不僅僅是自動的,所以如果我修改文本,那麼我必須記住我插入了命令\linebreak ,它將在編輯後刪除:所以這可能會在一個長文檔中導致許多“錯誤”,所以我想在這裡提出一個具體問題,我詢問是否有一些命令可以放入序言中自動執行此操作。那麼有人可以幫助我嗎?
This is an example of unbreaked line.
By the equation above we aruge that the following equiation (by Euler) $e^{i\pi}+1=0$ which is usefull.
This is an example of \textbf{manually} breaked line
By the equation above we argue that the following equation (by Euler)
$e^{i\pi}+1=0$ which is useful.
By the equation above we argue that the following equation (by Euler)
${e^{i\pi}+1=0}$ which is useful.