此外,我檢查過,必須為連續標題添加額外的 1pt vspace,否則表格第一行和標題之間的垂直間距將不匹配。
我的問題是:額外的間距從何而來?新增 vspace 指令是避免這種情況的最佳選擇嗎?還有其他我遺漏的考慮因素嗎?
\ProvidesPackage{tblr-caption}[2024/01/02 package tblr-caption]
{\PackageWarningNoLine{tblr-caption}{KOMAScript class detected. Setup caption position using 'captions=<option>'}}
\prg_generate_conditional_variant:Nnn \tl_if_empty:n { e } { TF }
\let \IfTokenListEmpty = \tl_if_empty:eTF
\caption[]{\InsertTblrText{caption} \UseTblrTemplate{conthead}{default}}
MWE 測試:
\usepackage{hyperref} %% must be loaded for tblr-caption to work
\usepackage{tblr-caption} %% must be loaded after hyperref
labelsep = newline,
singlelinecheck = false,
labelfont = bf,
textfont = it,
font = {small,singlespacing},
position = above,
\DefTblrTemplate{contfoot-text}{default}{Continúa en la siguiente página}
\caption{caption using tabular and caption package}
a & b & filler text & filler text\\
a & b & filler text & filler text\\
a & b & filler text & filler text\\
a & b & filler text & filler text\\
\begin{talltblr}[caption={caption using tabularray package}]{colspec={cccc},hline{1,2,Z} = {0.05em}}
a & b & filler text & filler text\\
a & b & filler text & filler text\\
a & b & filler text & filler text\\
a & b & filler text & filler text\\
caption = {The Caption of {\ttfamily longtblr} environment.},
entry = {The Caption in LOT},
% headsep=0pt,
colspec = {rccl},
hline{1,2,Z} = {0.05em},
row{1} = {font=\bfseries},
rowhead = 1,
date & time & time zone & event \\
2019/01/01 & 00:00 & CET & server installation finished\\
2019/01/01 & 00:05 & CET & server successfully booted\\
2019/01/01 & 00:06 & CET & starting xyz daemon\\
2019/01/01 & 00:00 & CET & server installation finished\\
2019/01/01 & 00:05 & CET & server successfully booted\\
2019/01/01 & 00:06 & CET & starting xyz daemon\\
2019/01/01 & 00:00 & CET & server installation finished\\
2019/01/01 & 00:05 & CET & server successfully booted\\
2019/01/01 & 00:06 & CET & starting xyz daemon\\
2019/01/01 & 00:00 & CET & server installation finished\\
2019/01/01 & 00:05 & CET & server successfully booted\\
2019/01/01 & 00:06 & CET & starting xyz daemon\\
2019/01/01 & 00:00 & CET & server installation finished\\
2019/01/01 & 00:05 & CET & server successfully booted\\
2019/01/01 & 00:06 & CET & starting xyz daemon\\
2019/01/01 & 00:06 & CET & starting xyz daemon\\
2019/01/01 & 00:00 & CET & server installation finished\\
2019/01/01 & 00:05 & CET & server successfully booted\\
2019/01/01 & 00:06 & CET & starting xyz daemon\\
2019/01/01 & 00:06 & CET & starting xyz daemon\\
2019/01/01 & 00:00 & CET & server installation finished\\
2019/01/01 & 00:05 & CET & server successfully booted\\
2019/01/01 & 00:06 & CET & starting xyz daemon\\
我會發現 longtblr 的第一個標題與其連續標題的垂直間距不匹配,如下圖所示(第一個是 contcaption,第二個是 longtblr 的主標題)
\caption[]{\InsertTblrText{caption} \UseTblrTemplate{conthead-text}{default}}%