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\title{Thesis Title page}




\textbf{\large DECLARATION}
\textbf{\large ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS}


\textbf{\large NOTATIONS}



People say that children are completely empty-headed. So what will be taught, so will learn, so will remember. But in the present time, this popular belief is largely shaken. Most parents complain, My child can't remember. Learning at home or at school, but test scores don't reflect that. Then the children forget!
People say that children are completely empty-headed. So what will be taught, so will learn, so will remember. But in the present time, this popular belief is largely shaken. Most parents complain, My child can't remember. Learning at home or at school, but test scores don't reflect that. Then the children forget!
People say that children are completely empty-headed. So what will be taught, so will learn, so will remember. But in the present time, this popular belief is largely shaken. Most parents complain, My child can't remember. Learning at home or at school, but test scores don't reflect that. Then the children forget!
People say that children are completely empty-headed. So what will be taught, so will learn, so will remember. But in the present time, this popular belief is largely shaken. Most parents complain, My child can't remember. Learning at home or at school, but test scores don't reflect that. Then the children forget!
People say that children are completely empty-headed. So what will be taught, so will learn, so will remember. But in the present time, this popular belief is largely shaken. Most parents complain, My child can't remember. Learning at home or at school, but test scores don't reflect that. Then the children forget!
People say that children are completely empty-headed. So what will be taught, so will learn, so will remember. But in the present time, this popular belief is largely shaken. Most parents complain, My child can't remember. Learning at home or at school, but test scores don't reflect that. Then the children forget!
People say that children are completely empty-headed. So what will be taught, so will learn, so will remember. But in the present time, this popular belief is largely shaken. Most parents complain, My child can't remember. Learning at home or at school, but test scores don't reflect that. Then the children forget!
People say that children are completely empty-headed. So what will be taught, so will learn, so will remember. But in the present time, this popular belief is largely shaken. Most parents complain, My child can't remember. Learning at home or at school, but test scores don't reflect that. Then the children forget!
People say that children are completely empty-headed. So what will be taught, so will learn, so will remember. But in the present time, this popular belief is largely shaken. Most parents complain, My child can't remember. Learning at home or at school, but test scores don't reflect that. Then the children forget!
People say that children are completely empty-headed. So what will be taught, so will learn, so will remember. But in the present time, this popular belief is largely shaken. Most parents complain, My child can't remember. Learning at home or at school, but test scores don't reflect that. Then the children forget!
People say that children are completely empty-headed. So what will be taught, so will learn, so will remember. But in the present time, this popular belief is largely shaken. Most parents complain, My child can't remember. Learning at home or at school, but test scores don't reflect that. Then the children forget!

\chapter{Main chapter 1}
\chapter{Main chapter 2}
\chapter{Main chapter 3}
\chapter{Main chapter 4}
\chapter{Main chapter 5}



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