\begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c| c|}
Measure & {NormCnts} & {LFC} & Up/down Expressed & CPM & TPM & RPKM & rlog & VST\\ \hline
Scale & [0-$\infty$] & [0-$\infty$] & [0 or 1] & [0-$\infty$] & [0- $\infty$] & & [0- $\infty$] & [0- $\infty$] \\ \hline
Type & Discrete & Discrete & Binary & Continuous & Continuous & & rlog & VST\\ \hline
Mean & Bimodal (highest peak) & insertValue & insertValue & insertValue & insertValue&insertValue & rlog & VST\\ \hline
Var & Heavy tailed (centered on 2500) & insertValue & insertValue & insertValue & insertValue& insertValue& rlog & VST\\ \hline
Special & insertValue & insertValue & insertValue & insertValue& insertValue& corrected for gene length & Var Stabilizing & Var Stabilizing\\ \hline
\caption{Comparison of various transformation techniques of gene expression.}
鑑於該表有 9 列,並且僅在其中 5 列中可以自動換行,我的主要建議是 (a) 以橫向模式渲染該表,以及 (b) 使用環境tabularx
環境,並進行換行受僱於9個欄位中的5 個。 (在下面所示的程式碼中,觀察到和這些列的相對列寬 5 等於它們的數位, 5. 另請注意,可用的第 2 列的寬度是第 8 列和第 9 列寬度的兩倍。
\usepackage{pdflscape} % for 'landscape' environment
\usepackage{tabularx} % for 'tabularx' environment and 'X' column type
>{\centering\arraybackslash\hsize=#1\hsize}X} % centered version of 'X' col. type
\renewcommand\tabularxcolumn[1]{m{#1}} % center cell contents vertically
\setlength\extrarowheight{2pt} % for a less-cramped look
Measure & {NormCnts} & {LFC} & Up/down Expressed & CPM & TPM & RPKM & rlog & VST \\
Scale & 0--$\infty$ & 0--$\infty$ & 0 or 1 & 0--$\infty$ & 0--$\infty$ & & 0--$\infty$ & 0--$\infty$ \\
Type & Discrete & Discrete & Binary & Continuous & Continuous & & rlog & VST \\
Mean & Bimodal (highest peak) & insertValue & insertValue & insertValue & insertValue & insertValue & rlog & VST \\
Var & Heavy tailed (centered on 2500) & insertValue & insertValue & insertValue & insertValue & insertValue & rlog & VST \\
Special & insertValue & insertValue & insertValue & insertValue & insertValue & corrected for gene length & Var Stabilizing & Var Stabilizing \\
\caption{Comparison of various transformation techniques of gene expression.}