Tikz 表格單元內

Tikz 表格單元內

由於我的 LaTeX 知識非常有限,我正在嘗試修改現有的巨集來產生橋圖。插入的是基本輸出。我想將 Tikz 繪製的正方形置於圖表的(幾乎)中間。我該怎麼做? 在此輸入影像描述




%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% LyX specific LaTeX commands.
%% Because html converters don't know tabularnewline

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Textclass specific LaTeX commands.

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% User specified LaTeX commands.



 \begin{minipage}[t]{\br}%I chose \br=8em
 %width of parbox depends on the parameters:
 %min{\br, max{string #1, ..., string #4}}
  \(\spadesuit\)  \= #1 \\
  \(\heartsuit\)  \> #2 \\
  \(\diamondsuit\)\> #3 \\
  \(\clubsuit\)   \> #4
 \end{minipage}     }%end \hand

\begin{tabular}[t]{ p{7em} p{7em} p{7em}}
#1 & #3 & #2\\
#4 & {\begin{tikzpicture}
\draw (0,0) -- (1,0) -- (1,1) -- (0,1) -- (0,0);
\end{tikzpicture}} & #5\\
   & #6 &
}%end \crdima

\begin{minipage}[t]{1.0cm}%I chose \br=8em
%\begin{minipage}[t]{2.3cm}%I chose \br=8em
\begin{minipage}[t]{2.0cm}%I chose \br=8em
%width of parbox depends on the parameters:
%min{\br, max{string #1, ..., string #4}}
 #5 \= \\
\(\spadesuit\) \= #1 \\
\(\heartsuit\) \> #2 \\
\(\diamondsuit\)\> #3 \\
\(\clubsuit\) \> #4
\end{minipage} }%end \hand




\title{A Switch in Time}

\author{Matthew Granovetter}




\noindent \noun{The following deal} was reported by Eric Kokish in
\emph{Bridge Today} magazine, Nov/Dec 1993 issue.

\noindent \begin{quote}
Santiago, Chile, Bermuda Bowl 1993, Semifinals\\
{Norway vs. Brazil}\\
\begin{center}\small{\textbf{VuGraph}}\\ \end{center}
{\begin{minipage}[t]{\br} \small Dealer: East\\N-S vulnerable   \end{minipage}}%
{\begin{minipage}[t]{\br} \small Lead: spade\\Contract: heart   \end{minipage}}%
{\phandcctest{976}{Q86\underline{2}}{K10952}{K}{\seatLabel {Comacho}}}%
\small{Closed Room Result: Five clubs doubled by the Brazilian South, down 1, +100 for Norway.}
\end{quote}``Five clubs doubled goes down only one in the closed room. The Brazilian
supporters are screaming with relief and delight. How can they possibly
lose now?''



在第 62 行,您可以替換\begin{tabular}[t]{ p{7em} p{7em} p{7em}}\begin{tabular}[t]{ m{7em} m{7em} m{7em}}.要在 tikz 中繪製一個矩形,您可以這樣做\draw (0,0) rectangle (1,1);;)



%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% LyX specific LaTeX commands.
%% Because html converters don't know tabularnewline

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Textclass specific LaTeX commands.

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% User specified LaTeX commands.



 \begin{minipage}[t]{\br}%I chose \br=8em
 %width of parbox depends on the parameters:
 %min{\br, max{string #1, ..., string #4}}
  \(\spadesuit\)  \= #1 \\
  \(\heartsuit\)  \> #2 \\
  \(\diamondsuit\)\> #3 \\
  \(\clubsuit\)   \> #4
 \end{minipage}     }%end \hand

\begin{tabular}[t]{ m{7em} m{7em} m{7em}}
#1 & #3 & #2\\
#4 & {\begin{tikzpicture}
\draw (0,0) rectangle (1,1);
\end{tikzpicture}} & #5\\
   & #6 &
}%end \crdima

\begin{minipage}[t]{1.0cm}%I chose \br=8em
%\begin{minipage}[t]{2.3cm}%I chose \br=8em
\begin{minipage}[t]{2.0cm}%I chose \br=8em
%width of parbox depends on the parameters:
%min{\br, max{string #1, ..., string #4}}
 #5 \= \\
\(\spadesuit\) \= #1 \\
\(\heartsuit\) \> #2 \\
\(\diamondsuit\)\> #3 \\
\(\clubsuit\) \> #4
\end{minipage} }%end \hand




\title{A Switch in Time}

\author{Matthew Granovetter}




\noindent \noun{The following deal} was reported by Eric Kokish in
\emph{Bridge Today} magazine, Nov/Dec 1993 issue.

\noindent \begin{quote}
Santiago, Chile, Bermuda Bowl 1993, Semifinals\\
{Norway vs. Brazil}\\
\begin{center}\small{\textbf{VuGraph}}\\ \end{center}
{\begin{minipage}[t]{\br} \small Dealer: East\\N-S vulnerable   \end{minipage}}%
{\begin{minipage}[t]{\br} \small Lead: spade\\Contract: heart   \end{minipage}}%
{\phandcctest{976}{Q86\underline{2}}{K10952}{K}{\seatLabel {Comacho}}}%
\small{Closed Room Result: Five clubs doubled by the Brazilian South, down 1, +100 for Norway.}
\end{quote}``Five clubs doubled goes down only one in the closed room. The Brazilian
supporters are screaming with relief and delight. How can they possibly
lose now?''





事實上,它是.tex1991 年的文件,至今仍在使用\documentstyle(LaTeX 2.09)。我已經下載到我的電腦中,更改\documentstyle\documentclass,用 pdflatex 編譯並得到




