



但可能會出現問題,答案不能是「白色」(隱藏),當使用 amsmath 定理樣式而不是 tcolorbox 時,帶有連結的 autoref 也無法隱藏。

MWE 如下。


         convenient way to generate a new theorem type. On the other hand, it enforces to use a titled
        \begin{equation}x^2 +y^2 =1\end{equation}
        a convenient way to generate a new theorem type. On the other hand, it

    \newcommand{\drtitt}{ %
        \node[anchor=north east,
        inner xsep=0pt,xshift=0.8em, %yshift=-0.2em,
        font=\bfseries] at (frame.north west) (tit) {\strut \fbox{ans}};
        \draw[line width=1.5pt,blue]([xshift=-2em,yshift=-0.2em]frame.north west)--([yshift=-0.2em]frame.north east); %top line
        \draw[line width=1.5pt,blue]([xshift=1.5em,yshift=0.3em]frame.south west)--([yshift=0.3em]frame.south east);
    \newtcolorbox{examsolv}{ %
        beforeafter skip=0pt,
        leftright skip=0pt,
        text width=\linewidth-1mm,
        enlarge left by=-12pt,
        overlay unbroken ={\drtitt;\drawTCBtopl;\drawTCBbotl},
        overlay first={\drtitt; \drawTCBtopl},
        overlay middle={},
        overlay last={\drawTCBbotl},
        frame code={},interior code={},

    \newtoggle{showans} %etoolbox

    \newcommand{\yesnoans}[1]{\iftoggle{showans}{#1}{\color{white} #1}}
    \newenvironment{ansonoff}[1][0em]{ %
        \begingroup\begin{examsolv} %
        }{\end{examsolv} %




    Switcher "showans" is off, but only the side text is hidden, the body still is showed. 

    that the ref with link like this \autoref{sc:testsc} cannot be hidden.
    this is a new problem! the typing text also cannot be hidden.




    \item \lipsum[66]
    \item \lipsum[66]



您可以將顏色設為白色來隱藏答案部分,但 a 的顏色設定tcolorbox必須由 eg 指定colupper。請注意,這不會影響連結的框架顏色:


     convenient way to generate a new theorem type. On the other hand, it enforces to use a titled
    \begin{equation}x^2 +y^2 =1\end{equation}
    a convenient way to generate a new theorem type. On the other hand, it

\newcommand{\drtitt}{ %
    \node[anchor=north east,
    inner xsep=0pt,xshift=0.8em, %yshift=-0.2em,
    font=\bfseries] at (frame.north west) (tit) {\strut \fbox{ans}};
    \draw[line width=1.5pt,blue]([xshift=-2em,yshift=-0.2em]frame.north west)--([yshift=-0.2em]frame.north east); %top line
    \draw[line width=1.5pt,blue]([xshift=1.5em,yshift=0.3em]frame.south west)--([yshift=0.3em]frame.south east);
    beforeafter skip=0pt,
    leftright skip=0pt,
    text width=\linewidth-1mm,
    enlarge left by=-12pt,
    overlay unbroken ={\drtitt;\drawTCBtopl;\drawTCBbotl},
    overlay first={\drtitt; \drawTCBtopl},
    overlay middle={},
    overlay last={\drawTCBbotl},
    frame code={},interior code={},

\newtoggle{showans} %etoolbox

\newcommand{\yesnoans}[1]{\iftoggle{showans}{#1}{\color{white} #1}}

  \iftoggle{showans}{}{\color{white}\tcbset{colupper=white}}% <------------ Edited 




Switcher "showans" is off, but only the side text is hidden, the body still is showed.

that the ref with link like this \autoref{sc:testsc} cannot be hidden.
this is a new problem! the typing text also cannot be hidden.




\item \lipsum[66]
\item \lipsum[66]



將顏色設為白色的另一種方法是將這些內容放入 的下部tcolorbox。下部可透過 隱藏lowerbox=invisible。這將刪除完整的內容:


     convenient way to generate a new theorem type. On the other hand, it enforces to use a titled
    \begin{equation}x^2 +y^2 =1\end{equation}
    a convenient way to generate a new theorem type. On the other hand, it

\newcommand{\drtitt}{ %
    \node[anchor=north east,
    inner xsep=0pt,xshift=0.8em, %yshift=-0.2em,
    font=\bfseries] at (frame.north west) (tit) {\strut \fbox{ans}};
    \draw[line width=1.5pt,blue]([xshift=-2em,yshift=-0.2em]frame.north west)--([yshift=-0.2em]frame.north east); %top line
    \draw[line width=1.5pt,blue]([xshift=1.5em,yshift=0.3em]frame.south west)--([yshift=0.3em]frame.south east);
    beforeafter skip=0pt,
    leftright skip=0pt,
    text width=\linewidth-1mm,
    enlarge left by=-12pt,
    overlay unbroken ={\drtitt;\drawTCBtopl;\drawTCBbotl},
    overlay first={\drtitt; \drawTCBtopl},
    overlay middle={},
    overlay last={\drawTCBbotl},
    frame code={},interior code={},
    middle=0mm,% unorthodox, but boxsep has a positive value <------------ Edited 

\newtoggle{showans} %etoolbox

\newcommand{\yesnoans}[1]{\iftoggle{showans}{#1}{\color{white} #1}}

  \iftoggle{showans}{}{\color{white}\tcbset{lowerbox=invisible}}% <------------ Edited 




Switcher "showans" is off, but only the side text is hidden, the body still is showed.

that the ref with link like this \autoref{sc:testsc} cannot be hidden.
this is a new problem! the typing text also cannot be hidden.




\item \lipsum[66]
\item \lipsum[66]


