Cron 作業清理目錄

Cron 作業清理目錄

如何使用 cron 作業刪除資料夾中超過 14 天的檔案?到目前為止我所嘗試的一切都沒有奏效。



find /path/to/target -mtime +14 -delete

man find

   -mtime n
          File's data was last modified n*24 hours ago.  

   Numeric arguments can be specified as

   +n     for greater than n,

   -n     for less than n,

   n      for exactly n.

          Delete files; true if removal succeeded.  If the removal failed,
          an  error message is issued.  If -delete fails, find's exit sta‐
          tus will be nonzero (when it eventually exits).  Use of  -delete
          automatically turns on the -depth option.

我不確定是否-delete是 POSIX 但如果您的 find 實作缺乏-delete,您也可以使用

find /path/to/target -mtime +14 -exec rm {} +
