如果您在電腦上,則下列命令可以執行此操作。現在,這不是遠端命令。但如果您向網路伺服器開放 CIFS,則可以使用 PSEXEC 來完成。如果您不能/不想透過 RDP 或 PSEXEC 連接到伺服器,如果啟用/安裝了這些協議,您也可以透過 telnet 或 SSH 呼叫它。
C:\WINDOWS\system32>iisapp.vbs /?
Description: list IIS application pools and associated worker processes.
Recycle application pools.
Syntax: IIsApp.vbs [{ /a <app_pool_id> | /p <pid> } [/r] ]
Value Description
/a <app_pool_id> Specify an application pool by name. Surround
<app_pool_id> with quotes if it contains spaces.
If used alone without an accompanying action,
IIsApp.vbs will report PIDs of currently running
w3wp.exe processes serving pool <app_pool_id>.
/p <pid> Specify a process by process ID. If used alone
without an accompanying action, IIsApp.vbs will
report the AppPoolId of the w3wp process specified
by <pid>. When a PID is specified with /r, that PID
is mapped to an application pool and the action is
taken upon the application pool. If a PID is given
for a web garden, i.e. an application pool served
by more than one w3wp, then all w3wp's for that
application pool will be acted upon.
/r Recycles the application pool.
DEFAULT: no switches will print out the PID and AppPoolId.