IIRF - 將所有流量重定向到同等的 http 流量

IIRF - 將所有流量重定向到同等的 http 流量


所以...我有一個網站,在 IIS6 的虛擬目錄中包含大約 20 個應用程式。網站佔用80和443的流量。我想使用 IIRF 重定向所有連接埠 80 流量 EG;

到安全等效項 (https)。


# Iirf.ini
# ini file for IIRF

RewriteLogLevel 1
RewriteLog D:\Websites\Apptemetry\IirfLogs
RewriteEngine ON
StatusInquiry ON
IterationLimit 5
RewriteLogLevel 3

RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off
RewriteCond %{SERVER_PORT} ^80$
RedirectRule ^http(.*)$ https$1


編輯:我已經將 TestDriver 與我的幾個網址一起使用。處理其中一個 url 時發生錯誤。

Trying to read config at 'D:\Websites\Apptemetry\Iirf.ini'
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - -------------------------------------------------------
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - Ionic ISAPI Rewriting Filter (IIRF) x86 RELEASE
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - IIRF was built on: May 30 2010 13:26:57
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - GetLogFile: app:'None'  new log:'D:\Websites\Apptemetry\IirfLogs.72072.log'
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - ReadVdirConfig: actual log file 'D:\Websites\Apptemetry\IirfLogs.72072.log'
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - ReadVdirConfig: ini file: 'D:\Websites\Apptemetry\Iirf.ini'
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - ReadVdirConfig: ini file timestamp: 2010/12/22 09:27:32 GMT Standard Time
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - ReadVdirConfig: cfg(0x009D59D8)
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - ReadVdirConfig: LogLevel = 5
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - ReadVdirConfig: pass 2
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - ReadVdirConfig: D:\Websites\Apptemetry\Iirf.ini(8): RewriteEngine will be enabled.
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - ReadVdirConfig: D:\Websites\Apptemetry\Iirf.ini(9): StatusInquiry ON (--) (--)
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - ReadVdirConfig: D:\Websites\Apptemetry\Iirf.ini(9): IIRF Status Inquiry is enabled at path '/iirfStatus' for local reque
sts only.
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - ReadVdirConfig: D:\Websites\Apptemetry\Iirf.ini(10): IterationLimit 5
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - ReadVdirConfig: D:\Websites\Apptemetry\Iirf.ini(12): RewriteCond   %{HTTPS}  off '(null)'
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - ReadVdirConfig: D:\Websites\Apptemetry\Iirf.ini(13): RewriteCond   %{SERVER_PORT}  ^80$ '(null)'
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - ReadVdirConfig: D:\Websites\Apptemetry\Iirf.ini(14): RedirectRule (rule 1)  '^(.*)$'  'https://att15web99/$1'   (null)
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - ReadVdirConfig: Done reading INI for vdir(?), found 1 rules (0 errors, 0 warnings) on 16 lines
done reading new config
Processing URLs...(D:\Websites\Apptemetry\SampleUrls.txt)

Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - DoRewrites: Url: 'http://att15web99'
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - EvaluateRules: depth=0
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - GetServerVariable: getting 'SCRIPT_NAME'
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - GetServerVariable: 128 bytes
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - GetServerVariable: result ''
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - EvaluateRules: no RewriteBase
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - EvaluateRules: Rule 1: pattern: ^(.*)$  subject: http://att15web99
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - EvaluateRules: Rule 1: 2 match
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - EvaluateRules: Rule 1: evaluating condition
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - EvalCondition: cond 0x009D7090
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - GetServerVariable: getting 'HTTPS'
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - GetServerVariable: 128 bytes
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - GetServerVariable: result ''
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - ReplaceServerVariables: alloc 7 bytes
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - GetServerVariable: getting 'HTTPS'
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - GetServerVariable: 128 bytes
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - GetServerVariable: result ''
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - ReplaceServerVariables: vName(HTTPS) value()
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - ReplaceServerVariables: in='%{HTTPS}' out=''
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - EvalCondition: ts1 ''
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - GenerateReplacementString: alloc 8 bytes
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - GenerateReplacementString: result ''
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - EvalCondition: t() op(|) p(off)
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - EvalCondition: match result: -1 (No match)
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - EvalCondition: Cond t(%{HTTPS}) op(|) p(off) => FALSE
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - EvalCondition: Child is non NULL (parent= 0x009D7090) (child= 0x009D72F0)
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - EvalCondition: Current condition evaluates to FALSE
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - EvalCondition: Logical AND, ergo no need to evaluate Child condition
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - EvalConditionList: rule 1, FALSE, Rule does not apply
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - EvaluateRules: returning 0

NO REWRITE 'http://att15web99' ==> --
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - DoRewrites: Url: 'http://att15web99/cmdb/'
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - EvaluateRules: depth=0
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - GetServerVariable: getting 'SCRIPT_NAME'
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - GetServerVariable: 128 bytes
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - GetServerVariable: result ''
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - EvaluateRules: no RewriteBase
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - EvaluateRules: Rule 1: pattern: ^(.*)$  subject: http://att15web99/cmdb/
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - EvaluateRules: Rule 1: 2 match
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - EvaluateRules: Rule 1: evaluating condition
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - EvalCondition: cond 0x009D7090
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - GetServerVariable: getting 'HTTPS'
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - GetServerVariable: 128 bytes
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - GetServerVariable: result ''
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - ReplaceServerVariables: alloc 7 bytes
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - GetServerVariable: getting 'HTTPS'
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - GetServerVariable: 128 bytes
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - GetServerVariable: result ''
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - ReplaceServerVariables: vName(HTTPS) value()
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - ReplaceServerVariables: in='%{HTTPS}' out=''
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - EvalCondition: ts1 ''
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - GenerateReplacementString: alloc 8 bytes
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - GenerateReplacementString: result ''
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - EvalCondition: t() op(|) p(off)
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - EvalCondition: match result: -1 (No match)
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - EvalCondition: Cond t(%{HTTPS}) op(|) p(off) => FALSE
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - EvalCondition: Child is non NULL (parent= 0x009D7090) (child= 0x009D72F0)
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - EvalCondition: Current condition evaluates to FALSE
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - EvalCondition: Logical AND, ergo no need to evaluate Child condition
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - EvalConditionList: rule 1, FALSE, Rule does not apply
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - EvaluateRules: returning 0

NO REWRITE 'http://att15web99/cmdb/' ==> --
ERROR expected(ãé|@ùê|♫ãé|@ùê|╝¯↕)
        actual(NO REWRITE)

1 Errors in 1 Total Trials



RedirectRule ^(.*)$ https://myserver/$1
