為什麼 Cisco IOS 路由器在進行大量下載時會掛起?

為什麼 Cisco IOS 路由器在進行大量下載時會掛起?

經過幾年的使用。我們發現,如果單一下載大小超過 100M,Cisco 871 和 851 路由器就會掛起。它是間歇性的。有時問題會消失,有時會發生在非常小的下載(僅 10KB 的網頁)上。看起來幾乎所有下載最終都會完成,但下載越大,掛起的時間就越長。

有辦法解決這個問題嗎? (缺少路由器更換,這正是我們一直在做的)

我們正在重新審視這在一個思科851那已經一歲兩個月了。此時,類似的掛起似乎正在發生,但規模要小得多。在這種情況下,客戶購買了30Mbps上/下網路連接,他們只能取得5Mbps/20Mbps上/下。有時,下載速度會降低至 5Mbps。


我在 Vlan1 和 Fa4 上有一個 ACL。我還有一些 ACL 已被替換且未使用。 ACL 大約有 45 行,其中大約一半是註解。我已在下面發布了配置。個人資訊被諸如WAN IP或之類的文字掩蓋hostname HIDDEN

如果您有諸如配置程式碼效能改進之類的建議,或者諸如我是否可以在 851 上期望 30Mbps 之類的信息,我們將不勝感激。

Current configuration : 18157 bytes
version 12.4
no service pad
service tcp-keepalives-in
service tcp-keepalives-out
service timestamps debug datetime msec localtime show-timezone
service timestamps log datetime msec localtime show-timezone
service password-encryption
service sequence-numbers
hostname HIDDEN
logging buffered 51200
logging console critical
enable secret 5 --GIBBERISH---
aaa new-model
aaa authentication login local_authen local
aaa authorization exec local_author local 
aaa session-id common
clock timezone EST -5
crypto pki trustpoint TP-self-signed-4140887523
 enrollment selfsigned
 subject-name cn=IOS-Self-Signed-Certificate-4140887523
 revocation-check none
 rsakeypair TP-self-signed-4140887523
dot11 syslog
no ip source-route
no ip dhcp use vrf connected
ip dhcp binding cleanup interval 60
ip dhcp excluded-address
ip dhcp excluded-address
ip dhcp pool ccp-pool
   import all
   lease 0 2
ip dhcp pool sdm-pool1
   import all
   dns-server --DNS Server 1-- --DNS Server 2-- 
ip cef
ip inspect name DEFAULT100 appfw DEFAULT100
ip inspect name DEFAULT100 cuseeme
ip inspect name DEFAULT100 ftp
ip inspect name DEFAULT100 h323
ip inspect name DEFAULT100 icmp
ip inspect name DEFAULT100 rcmd
ip inspect name DEFAULT100 realaudio
ip inspect name DEFAULT100 rtsp
ip inspect name DEFAULT100 esmtp
ip inspect name DEFAULT100 sqlnet
ip inspect name DEFAULT100 streamworks
ip inspect name DEFAULT100 tftp
ip inspect name DEFAULT100 tcp
ip inspect name DEFAULT100 udp
ip inspect name DEFAULT100 vdolive
ip inspect name DEFAULT100 https
ip inspect name DEFAULT100 dns
no ip bootp server
no ip domain lookup
ip domain name noexist.example.com
ip name-server --DNS Server 2--
ip name-server --DNS Server 1--
appfw policy-name DEFAULT100
  application im aol
    service default action reset 
    service text-chat action reset 
    server deny name login.oscar.aol.com
    server deny name toc.oscar.aol.com
    server deny name oam-d09a.blue.aol.com
  application im msn
    service default action reset 
    service text-chat action reset 
    server deny name messenger.hotmail.com
    server deny name gateway.messenger.hotmail.com
    server deny name webmessenger.msn.com
  application http
    port-misuse im action reset alarm
  application im yahoo
    service default action reset 
    service text-chat action reset 
    server deny name scs.msg.yahoo.com
    server deny name scsa.msg.yahoo.com
    server deny name scsb.msg.yahoo.com
    server deny name scsc.msg.yahoo.com
    server deny name scsd.msg.yahoo.com
    server deny name messenger.yahoo.com
    server deny name cs16.msg.dcn.yahoo.com
    server deny name cs19.msg.dcn.yahoo.com
    server deny name cs42.msg.dcn.yahoo.com
    server deny name cs53.msg.dcn.yahoo.com
    server deny name cs54.msg.dcn.yahoo.com
    server deny name ads1.vip.scd.yahoo.com
    server deny name radio1.launch.vip.dal.yahoo.com
    server deny name in1.msg.vip.re2.yahoo.com
    server deny name data1.my.vip.sc5.yahoo.com
    server deny name address1.pim.vip.mud.yahoo.com
    server deny name edit.messenger.yahoo.com
    server deny name http.pager.yahoo.com
    server deny name privacy.yahoo.com
    server deny name csa.yahoo.com
    server deny name csb.yahoo.com
    server deny name csc.yahoo.com
username surfn privilege 15 secret 5 $1$1hrm$0yfIN0jK56rOm9cXfm2a21
 log config
ip tcp synwait-time 10
ip ssh time-out 60
ip ssh authentication-retries 2
interface Null0
 no ip unreachables
interface FastEthernet0
interface FastEthernet1
interface FastEthernet2
interface FastEthernet3
interface FastEthernet4
 description $ES_WAN$$FW_OUTSIDE$
 ip address --WAN IP--
 ip access-group 123 in
 ip verify unicast reverse-path
 no ip redirects
 no ip unreachables
 no ip proxy-arp
 ip inspect DEFAULT100 out
 ip nat outside
 ip virtual-reassembly
 ip route-cache flow
 duplex auto
 speed auto
interface Vlan1
 ip address
 ip access-group 102 in
 no ip redirects
 no ip unreachables
 no ip proxy-arp
 ip nat inside
 ip virtual-reassembly
 ip route-cache flow
 ip tcp adjust-mss 1452
ip forward-protocol nd
ip route --ISP Gateway--
ip http server
ip http access-class 2
ip http authentication local
ip http secure-server
ip http timeout-policy idle 60 life 86400 requests 10000
ip nat inside source list 1 interface FastEthernet4 overload
logging trap debugging
access-list 1 remark Telnet, SSH access
access-list 1 permit
access-list 1 deny   any
access-list 2 remark HTTP, HTTPS access
access-list 2 permit
access-list 2 deny   any
access-list 101 HIDDEN
access-list 102 HIDDEN
access-list 121 HIDDEN
access-list 122 HIDDEN
access-list 123 HIDDEN
no cdp run
banner exec ^C
% Password expiration warning.

Cisco Configuration Professional (Cisco CP) is installed on this device 
and it provides the default username "cisco" for  one-time use. If you have 
already used the username "cisco" to login to the router and your IOS image 
supports the "one-time" user option, then this username has already expired. 
You will not be able to login to the router with this username after you exit 
this session.

It is strongly suggested that you create a new username with a privilege level 
of 15 using the following command.

username <myuser> privilege 15 secret 0 <mypassword>

Replace <myuser> and <mypassword> with the username and password you 
want to use.

banner login ^CCAuthorized access only!
 Disconnect IMMEDIATELY if you are not an authorized user!^C
line con 0
 login authentication local_authen
 no modem enable
 transport output telnet
line aux 0
 login authentication local_authen
 transport output telnet
line vty 0 4
 access-class 100 in
 privilege level 15
 authorization exec local_author
 login authentication local_authen
 transport input telnet ssh
scheduler max-task-time 5000
scheduler allocate 4000 1000
scheduler interval 500



%FW-4-TCP_OoO_SEG:刪除 TCP 段:seq:3558911335 1500 位元組無序;預期序列:3558888055。原因:TCP 重組佇列溢位 - 會話 到






這些路由器背後有多少用戶?假設您正在單一外部位址上執行 NAT。現代軟體,尤其是 Facebook 聊天等 Web 服務,會開啟大量並發 TCP 連線。我相信 Cisco 有一個靜態大小的 NAT 轉換錶。它可能會溢出並驅逐最舊的連接?恐怕我無法提供任何關於檢查 NAT 表是否溢出的建議。

我不會懷疑固件,特別是如果它以前工作得很好的話。不過,我建議對介面統計資料進行快速的雙重檢查。如果您在介面上看到丟棄、無效、badrx 校驗和等錯誤,那麼這很可能是問題的根源。硬體故障、電氣隔離不足或其他原因。我已經不再計算在過去的 3-4 年中,由於內部電容器膨脹/爆炸,有多少“廉價”5 端口 10/100 或千兆位元交換器出現半故障並變得不一致和不穩定。 A

  show interfaces counters errors




這聽起來很像路徑 MTU 問題,其中路徑在傳輸期間使用不同的 MTU 進行切換,並且由於no ip unreachables已定義,因此它不會通知需要對資料包進行分段。

使用不同的 ping 封包大小來測試這一點相當容易,或者如果問題經常發生,請將命令ip tcp adjust-mss 1360放在出站路徑 WAN 介面中,或在本例中為 Fa4。 1360 應安全地低於任何縮小的 MTU,並且不會嚴重影響吞吐量。

如果使用此命令可以解決問題,則表示這是 MTU 問題,您可以嘗試將其提高到 1440 或 1460 以獲得一點吞吐量。

我看不到您的 ACL,但請確保您至少允許 permit icmp any any packet-too-big
