

我正在嘗試將我的 Debian Lenny 升級到 Squeeze。我已經替換了 lenny 這個詞來擠入 resources.list 並運行

apt-get clean
apt-get update
apt-get dist-upgrade


Preconfiguring packages ...
Setting up debian-archive-keyring (2010.08.28) ...
ERROR: Can't find the archive-keyring
Is the ubuntu-keyring package installed?
dpkg: error processing debian-archive-keyring (--configure):
 subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1
Errors were encountered while processing:
E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)

所以我嘗試安裝apt-get -f install debian-archive-keyring,但遇到了相同的錯誤。然後我嘗試安裝apt-get -f install ubuntu-keyring並收到此錯誤:

Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree       
Reading state information... Done
Package ubuntu-keyring is not available, but is referred to by another package.
This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or
is only available from another source
E: Package ubuntu-keyring has no installation candidate


deb    ftp://mirror.hetzner.de/debian/packages  squeeze          main contrib non-free
deb    ftp://mirror.hetzner.de/debian/security  squeeze/updates  main contrib non-free

deb     http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian/  squeeze  main non-free contrib
deb-src http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian/  squeeze  main non-free contrib

deb     http://security.debian.org/  squeeze/updates  main contrib non-free
deb-src http://security.debian.org/  squeeze/updates  main contrib non-free



謝謝兩位的回答。 @mailq 我也想知道為什麼 Ubuntu 軟體包丟失/錯誤。我在我的伺服器上運行 Debian Lenny,並嘗試升級到擠壓。因此,我將我的 中的單字替換lenny為。結果是:一些 Ubuntu 錯誤 (???)。第一個來源是我的提供者的本地來源,第二個來源是,正如 Gilles 所說,Debian 的官方(但速度較慢)來源。squeezesources.list

@Gilles 這是命令的輸出:

# lsb_release -irc
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Release:    10.04
Codename:   lucid

# type apt-key
apt-key is /usr/bin/apt-key

# dpkg -s apt
Package: apt
Status: install ok installed
Priority: important
Section: admin
Installed-Size: 5488
Maintainer: Ubuntu Core Developers <[email protected]>
Architecture: amd64
Replaces: libapt-pkg-dev (<< 0.3.7), libapt-pkg-doc (<< 0.3.7)
Provides: libapt-pkg-libc6.10-6-4.8
Depends: libc6 (>= 2.8), libgcc1 (>= 1:4.1.1), libstdc++6 (>= 4.4.0)
Recommends: ubuntu-keyring
Suggests: aptitude | synaptic | wajig, dpkg-dev, apt-doc, bzip2, lzma, python-apt
 /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/01autoremove 6154750d39a78704b5bbf6fafd65ada7
 /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/01ubuntu 078b96538a377743bee0f554eb5b2fc6
 /etc/logrotate.d/apt 179f2ed4f85cbaca12fa3d69c2a4a1c3
 /etc/cron.daily/apt 3528ddf873535d4c268d83e73e85dc79
Description: Advanced front-end for dpkg
 This is Debian's next generation front-end for the dpkg package manager.
 It provides the apt-get utility and APT dselect method that provides a
 simpler, safer way to install and upgrade packages.
 APT features complete installation ordering, multiple source capability
 and several other unique features, see the Users Guide in apt-doc.
Original-Maintainer: APT Development Team <[email protected]>

我只想升級到 Debian Squeeze,我不知道 Ubuntu 的東西是怎麼發生的。新安裝不是一個好主意,因為我正在生產中運行該伺服器並且不希望出現一些停機時間。




訊息“是否已安裝 ubuntu-keyring 軟體包?”來自apt-key管理 APT 密鑰環的程式。顯然你有apt-key來自 Ubuntu 的程序,而不是來自 Debian 的程式。由於該apt-key程式是軟體包的一部分apt,因此這裡存在嚴重錯誤。您確定這台機器安裝了 Debian,而不是 Ubuntu?檢查包的輸出lsb_release -irc(如果lsb_release存在)或版本base-files。也要檢查您的apt-key程式來自哪裡:type apt-key, dpkg -s apt

如果您有 Ubuntu,則無法升級到 Debian(反之亦然)。這兩個發行版使用相同的包格式,並且有許多共同的包,但是有足夠的差異,需要付出一些努力來支持這種跨發行版升級,而且幾乎沒有人有興趣花費這樣的努力。因此,如果您有較舊的 Ubuntu 版本(也許很耐用?),請保留它,升級到新的 Ubuntu,或重新安裝。


烏班圖? ubuntu-keyrings 與 Debian 有什麼關係?

刪除sources.list 中的前兩行。或其他四個。但不要將它們列出兩次。
