

我正在透過從我的 Gmail 帳戶向虛擬網域上的帳戶發送電子郵件來測試我的 PostFix 設定。 Postfix 的反應總是:

NOQUEUE: reject: RCPT from mail-lb0-f177.google.com[]: 454 4.7.1 <mailATbrokkr.net>: Relay access denied; from=<madspayATgmail.com> to=<mailATbrokkr.net> proto=ESMTP helo=<mail-lb0-f177.google.com>

這是 main.cf 設定檔:

# See /usr/share/postfix/main.cf.dist for a commented, more complete version

# Debian specific:  Specifying a file name will cause the first
# line of that file to be used as the name.  The Debian default
# is /etc/mailname.
#myorigin = /etc/mailname

smtpd_banner = $myhostname ESMTP $mail_name (Ubuntu)
biff = no

# appending .domain is the MUA's job.
append_dot_mydomain = no

# Uncomment the next line to generate "delayed mail" warnings
#delay_warning_time = 4h

readme_directory = no

# TLS parameters
smtpd_tls_auth_only = yes
smtpd_tls_cert_file = /etc/nginx/certs/madsmide_ssl-unified.crt
smtpd_tls_key_file = /etc/nginx/certs/madsmide_ssl.key
smtpd_tls_session_cache_database = btree:${data_directory}/smtpd_scache
smtp_tls_session_cache_database = btree:${data_directory}/smtp_scache

# See /usr/share/doc/postfix/TLS_README.gz in the postfix-doc package for
# information on enabling SSL in the smtp client.
mynetworks = [::ffff:]/104 [::1]/128
#smtpd_recipient_restrictions = permit_mynetworks, permit_sasl_authenticated, reject_unauth_destination
#smtpd_relay_restrictions = permit_mynetworks permit_sasl_authenticated defer_unauth_destination

# host configuration
myhostname = mail.madsmi.de
#myorigin = /etc/mailname
mydomain = madsmi.de
myorigin = $mydomain

# Local domain mapping
#alias_maps = hash:/etc/aliases
#alias_database = hash:/etc/aliases
#mydestination = localhost
mydestination =

# Virtal domain mapping
virtual_mailbox_domains = hash:/etc/postfix/my_virtual_mailbox_domains
virtual_mailbox_base = /home/vmail
virtual_mailbox_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/my_virtual_mailbox_maps
virtual_uid_maps = static:128
virtual_gid_maps = static:142
#virtual_alias_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/virtual

# Unknown
#relayhost = 
mailbox_size_limit = 1000000000
recipient_delimiter = +
inet_interfaces = all
inet_protocols = all

這是 my_virtual_mailbox_domains 檔案:


和 my_virtual_mailbox_maps 檔案:

mailATmadsmi.de          madsmi.de/mail/
mailATbrokkr.net         brokkr.net/mail/


Jun 20 22:59:09 THEMINT postfix/smtpd[10294]: send attr request = seed
Jun 20 22:59:09 THEMINT postfix/smtpd[10294]: send attr size = 32
Jun 20 22:59:09 THEMINT postfix/smtpd[10294]: private/tlsmgr: wanted attribute: status
Jun 20 22:59:09 THEMINT postfix/smtpd[10294]: input attribute name: status
Jun 20 22:59:09 THEMINT postfix/smtpd[10294]: input attribute value: 0
Jun 20 22:59:09 THEMINT postfix/smtpd[10294]: private/tlsmgr: wanted attribute: seed
Jun 20 22:59:09 THEMINT postfix/smtpd[10294]: input attribute name: seed
Jun 20 22:59:09 THEMINT postfix/smtpd[10294]: input attribute value: h+12lK71F0Vgl8z8GN3zJmF2Sgcja/Y7rqFz1BV4raw=
Jun 20 22:59:09 THEMINT postfix/smtpd[10294]: private/tlsmgr: wanted attribute: (list terminator)
Jun 20 22:59:09 THEMINT postfix/smtpd[10294]: input attribute name: (end)
Jun 20 22:59:10 THEMINT postfix/smtpd[10294]: < mail-lb0-f180.google.com[]: EHLO mail-lb0-f180.google.com
Jun 20 22:59:10 THEMINT postfix/smtpd[10294]: match_list_match: mail-lb0-f180.google.com: no match
Jun 20 22:59:10 THEMINT postfix/smtpd[10294]: match_list_match: no match
Jun 20 22:59:10 THEMINT postfix/smtpd[10294]: > mail-lb0-f180.google.com[]: 250-mail.madsmi.de
Jun 20 22:59:10 THEMINT postfix/smtpd[10294]: > mail-lb0-f180.google.com[]: 250-PIPELINING
Jun 20 22:59:10 THEMINT postfix/smtpd[10294]: > mail-lb0-f180.google.com[]: 250-SIZE 10240000
Jun 20 22:59:10 THEMINT postfix/smtpd[10294]: > mail-lb0-f180.google.com[]: 250-VRFY
Jun 20 22:59:10 THEMINT postfix/smtpd[10294]: > mail-lb0-f180.google.com[]: 250-ETRN
Jun 20 22:59:10 THEMINT postfix/smtpd[10294]: > mail-lb0-f180.google.com[]: 250-ENHANCEDSTATUSCODES
Jun 20 22:59:10 THEMINT postfix/smtpd[10294]: > mail-lb0-f180.google.com[]: 250-8BITMIME
Jun 20 22:59:10 THEMINT postfix/smtpd[10294]: > mail-lb0-f180.google.com[]: 250 DSN
Jun 20 22:59:10 THEMINT postfix/smtpd[10294]: < mail-lb0-f180.google.com[]: MAIL FROM:<madspayATgmail.com> SIZE=4079
Jun 20 22:59:10 THEMINT postfix/smtpd[10294]: extract_addr: input: <madspayATgmail.com>
Jun 20 22:59:10 THEMINT postfix/smtpd[10294]: smtpd_check_addr: addr=madspayATgmail.com
Jun 20 22:59:10 THEMINT postfix/smtpd[10294]: ctable_locate: move existing entry key madspayATgmail.com
Jun 20 22:59:10 THEMINT postfix/smtpd[10294]: extract_addr: in: <madspayATgmail.com>, result: madspayATgmail.com
Jun 20 22:59:10 THEMINT postfix/smtpd[10294]: smtpd_check_rewrite: trying: permit_inet_interfaces
Jun 20 22:59:10 THEMINT postfix/smtpd[10294]: permit_inet_interfaces: mail-lb0-f180.google.com
Jun 20 22:59:10 THEMINT postfix/smtpd[10294]: fsspace: .: block size 4096, blocks free 37725053
Jun 20 22:59:10 THEMINT postfix/smtpd[10294]: smtpd_check_queue: blocks 4096 avail 37725053 min_free 0 msg_size_limit 10240000
Jun 20 22:59:10 THEMINT postfix/smtpd[10294]: > mail-lb0-f180.google.com[]: 250 2.1.0 Ok
Jun 20 22:59:10 THEMINT postfix/smtpd[10294]: < mail-lb0-f180.google.com[]: RCPT TO:<mailATmadsmi.de>
Jun 20 22:59:10 THEMINT postfix/smtpd[10294]: extract_addr: input: <mailATmadsmi.de>
Jun 20 22:59:10 THEMINT postfix/smtpd[10294]: smtpd_check_addr: addr=mailATmadsmi.de
Jun 20 22:59:10 THEMINT postfix/smtpd[10294]: ctable_locate: move existing entry key mailATmadsmi.de
Jun 20 22:59:10 THEMINT postfix/smtpd[10294]: extract_addr: in: <mailATmadsmi.de>, result: mailATmadsmi.de
Jun 20 22:59:10 THEMINT postfix/smtpd[10294]: >>> START Recipient address RESTRICTIONS <<<
Jun 20 22:59:10 THEMINT postfix/smtpd[10294]: generic_checks: name=permit_mynetworks
Jun 20 22:59:10 THEMINT postfix/smtpd[10294]: permit_mynetworks: mail-lb0-f180.google.com
Jun 20 22:59:10 THEMINT postfix/smtpd[10294]: match_hostname: mail-lb0-f180.google.com ~?
Jun 20 22:59:10 THEMINT postfix/smtpd[10294]: match_hostaddr: ~?
Jun 20 22:59:10 THEMINT postfix/smtpd[10294]: match_hostname: mail-lb0-f180.google.com ~? [::ffff:]/104
Jun 20 22:59:10 THEMINT postfix/smtpd[10294]: match_hostaddr: ~? [::ffff:]/104
Jun 20 22:59:10 THEMINT postfix/smtpd[10294]: match_hostname: mail-lb0-f180.google.com ~? [::1]/128
Jun 20 22:59:10 THEMINT postfix/smtpd[10294]: match_hostaddr: ~? [::1]/128
Jun 20 22:59:10 THEMINT postfix/smtpd[10294]: match_list_match: mail-lb0-f180.google.com: no match
Jun 20 22:59:10 THEMINT postfix/smtpd[10294]: match_list_match: no match
Jun 20 22:59:10 THEMINT postfix/smtpd[10294]: generic_checks: name=permit_mynetworks status=0
Jun 20 22:59:10 THEMINT postfix/smtpd[10294]: generic_checks: name=permit_sasl_authenticated
Jun 20 22:59:10 THEMINT postfix/smtpd[10294]: generic_checks: name=permit_sasl_authenticated status=0
Jun 20 22:59:10 THEMINT postfix/smtpd[10294]: generic_checks: name=defer_unauth_destination
Jun 20 22:59:10 THEMINT postfix/smtpd[10294]: reject_unauth_destination: mailATmadsmi.de
Jun 20 22:59:10 THEMINT postfix/smtpd[10294]: permit_auth_destination: mailATmadsmi.de
Jun 20 22:59:10 THEMINT postfix/smtpd[10294]: ctable_locate: leave existing entry key mailATmadsmi.de
Jun 20 22:59:10 THEMINT postfix/smtpd[10294]: NOQUEUE: reject: RCPT from mail-lb0-f180.google.com[]: 454 4.7.1 <mailATmadsmi.de>: Relay access denied; from=<madspayATgmail.com> to=<mailATmadsmi.de> proto=ESMTP helo=<mail-lb0-f180.google.com>
Jun 20 22:59:10 THEMINT postfix/smtpd[10294]: generic_checks: name=defer_unauth_destination status=2
Jun 20 22:59:10 THEMINT postfix/smtpd[10294]: >>> END Recipient address RESTRICTIONS <<<
Jun 20 22:59:10 THEMINT postfix/smtpd[10294]: > mail-lb0-f180.google.com[]: 454 4.7.1 <mailATmadsmi.de>: Relay access denied
Jun 20 22:59:10 THEMINT postfix/smtpd[10294]: < mail-lb0-f180.google.com[]: DATA
Jun 20 22:59:10 THEMINT postfix/smtpd[10294]: > mail-lb0-f180.google.com[]: 554 5.5.1 Error: no valid recipients
Jun 20 22:59:10 THEMINT postfix/smtpd[10294]: < mail-lb0-f180.google.com[]: QUIT
Jun 20 22:59:10 THEMINT postfix/smtpd[10294]: > mail-lb0-f180.google.com[]: 221 2.0.0 Bye
Jun 20 22:59:10 THEMINT postfix/smtpd[10294]: match_hostname: mail-lb0-f180.google.com ~?
Jun 20 22:59:10 THEMINT postfix/smtpd[10294]: match_hostaddr: ~?
Jun 20 22:59:10 THEMINT postfix/smtpd[10294]: match_hostname: mail-lb0-f180.google.com ~? [::ffff:]/104
Jun 20 22:59:10 THEMINT postfix/smtpd[10294]: match_hostaddr: ~? [::ffff:]/104
Jun 20 22:59:10 THEMINT postfix/smtpd[10294]: match_hostname: mail-lb0-f180.google.com ~? [::1]/128
Jun 20 22:59:10 THEMINT postfix/smtpd[10294]: match_hostaddr: ~? [::1]/128
Jun 20 22:59:10 THEMINT postfix/smtpd[10294]: match_list_match: mail-lb0-f180.google.com: no match
Jun 20 22:59:10 THEMINT postfix/smtpd[10294]: match_list_match: no match
Jun 20 22:59:10 THEMINT postfix/smtpd[10294]: send attr request = disconnect
Jun 20 22:59:10 THEMINT postfix/smtpd[10294]: send attr ident = smtp:
Jun 20 22:59:10 THEMINT postfix/smtpd[10294]: private/anvil: wanted attribute: status
Jun 20 22:59:10 THEMINT postfix/smtpd[10294]: input attribute name: status
Jun 20 22:59:10 THEMINT postfix/smtpd[10294]: input attribute value: 0
Jun 20 22:59:10 THEMINT postfix/smtpd[10294]: private/anvil: wanted attribute: (list terminator)
Jun 20 22:59:10 THEMINT postfix/smtpd[10294]: input attribute name: (end)
Jun 20 22:59:10 THEMINT postfix/smtpd[10294]: disconnect from mail-lb0-f180.google.com[]
Jun 20 22:59:10 THEMINT postfix/smtpd[10294]: master_notify: status 1
Jun 20 22:59:10 THEMINT postfix/smtpd[10294]: connection closed

我的問題是:為什麼郵件會被拒絕?從我從日誌中收集到的信息來看,要么是發件人 (google.com) 被發現有問題,要么是收件人(在本例中:madsmi.de 上的郵件)無法識別。

如果是第一個,我很困惑為什麼當主機是目的地並且不被要求發送郵件而是遞送郵件時應用中繼規則。如果是第二個,為什麼 PostFix 在 vi​​rtual_mailbox_maps 中看不到收件者?




virtual_mailbox_domains = 雜湊:/etc/postfix/my_virtual_mailbox_domains


我的目的地不能為空。郵件伺服器無法找到郵件的任何目的地,因為該欄位為空。從本質上講,NOQUEUE 它無處可去。我會將其設為 mydestination = 甚至 localhost 應該可以正常工作。 defer_unauth_destination 表示它也沒有設定為備份 MX 伺服器。 mydestination 唯一應為空的情況是當您充當備份 MX 伺服器。在這種情況下,您需要將中繼主機設定為您充當備份的伺服器。

6 月 20 日 22:59:10 THEMINT postfix/smtpd[10294]:NOQUEUE:拒絕:來自 mail-lb0-f180.google.com[] 的 RCPT:454 4.7.1:中訪問被拒絕; from= to= proto=ESMTP helo= Jun 20 22:59:10 THEMINT postfix/smtpd[10294]: generic_checks: name=defer_unauth_destination status=2 Jun 20 22:59:10 THEMINT postx/4 +94] END 收件人地址限制<<<
