Ubuntu 14.04 和 rael-gc RVM 儲存庫上的 jenkins - 找不到捆綁包?

Ubuntu 14.04 和 rael-gc RVM 儲存庫上的 jenkins - 找不到捆綁包?

我正在嘗試讓 jenkins 在工作節點上運行,以在 Ubuntu 14.04 上測試一些 Rails 專案。我已經安裝了 RVM這些文檔。當我從 Jenkins“master”啟動建置時,節點建置的控制台輸出會產生以下輸出。 jenkins 使用者的主目錄包含從備份複製的 .rvm 目錄。絕對是較舊的 rvm 安裝。這應該重要嗎?我對rvm不熟悉。

$ bash -c export
$ bash -c "test -f ~/.rvm/scripts/rvm"
$ bash -c "test -f ~/.rvm/scripts/rvm"
[PIMS] $ bash -c " source ~/.rvm/scripts/rvm && rvm use --install --create . && export > rvm.env"
Using /usr/share/rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.5
[PIMS] $ /bin/bash +x +e /tmp/jenkins1009584960163749179.sh
GemWrappers: Can not wrap missing file: bundle
GemWrappers: Can not wrap missing file: bundler
GemWrappers: Can not wrap missing file: rb2db 

unable to convert "\xE2" to UTF-8 in conversion from ASCII-8BIT to UTF-8 to US-ASCII for lib/bundler/vendor/molinillo/lib/molinillo/resolution.rb, skipping    
unable to convert "\xE2" to UTF-8 in conversion from ASCII-8BIT to UTF-8 to US-ASCII for lib/bundler/vendor/molinillo/lib/molinillo/resolution.rb, skipping

Successfully installed bundler-1.16.1
Successfully installed rb2db-0.2.2 
2 gems installed
Installing ri documentation for bundler-1.16.1...
Installing ri documentation for rb2db-0.2.2...
Installing RDoc documentation for bundler-1.16.1...
Installing RDoc documentation for rb2db-0.2.2...
/tmp/jenkins1009584960163749179.sh: line 70: rvm: command not found
/tmp/jenkins1009584960163749179.sh: line 77: bundle: command not found
/tmp/jenkins1009584960163749179.sh: line 89: bundle: command not found
/tmp/jenkins1009584960163749179.sh: line 90: bundle: command not found
/usr/bin/xvfb-run: 184: /usr/bin/xvfb-run: bundle: not found
/tmp/jenkins1009584960163749179.sh: line 108: tmp/failures.log: No such file or directory
grep: tmp/failing_specs.log: No such file or directory

當我which以 jenkins 用戶身份從命令列運行時,這些命令運行良好。問題可能出在哪裡?

$ echo $PATH

[jenkins@node1 ~/workspace]
$ which rvm

[jenkins@node1 ~/workspace]
$ which bundle

[jenkins@node1 ~/workspace]
$ which rb2db

[jenkins@node1 ~/workspace]
$ which xvfb-run
