![將DC IP更改為公共伺服器2019](https://rvso.com/image/760979/%E5%B0%87DC%20IP%E6%9B%B4%E6%94%B9%E7%82%BA%E5%85%AC%E5%85%B1%E4%BC%BA%E6%9C%8D%E5%99%A82019.png)
我在新的 VDS 上部署 AD DS。我將網域區域委託給伺服器。問題是我無法將電腦新增至網域,因為我無法在 DNS 管理員中將網域控制站專用 IP 位址變更為公用位址。當我嘗試這樣做時,一段時間後又變回來了。
嘗試將外部IP位址新增至網路適配器,它幾乎成功了。公用 IP 出現在 DNS 管理員中,但我猜路由有問題。如果我將 DNS 配置為僅偵聽公用 IP,則與 DNS 伺服器的連線會遺失。
伺服器作業系統:Windows Server 2019 Datacenter
客戶端作業系統:Windows 7、10
我應該怎麼做才能使 DNS 伺服器指向網域控制器(也是名稱伺服器)公共 IP 而不是本機 IP?
我取消選取區域屬性中的“將區域儲存在 Active Directory 中”,最後它停止將 ip 重設為本機。現在我可以透過網路 ping DC 和區域,但仍然無法將 PC 新增至網域。現在,我在加入網域時收到錯誤:「未找到網路路徑」以下是來自客戶端 NETSETUP 的日誌:
12/12/2020 18:57:31:135 -----------------------------------------------------------------
12/12/2020 18:57:31:135 NetpDoDomainJoin
12/12/2020 18:57:31:135 NetpMachineValidToJoin: 'USER-PC'
12/12/2020 18:57:31:135 OS Version: 6.1
12/12/2020 18:57:31:135 Build number: 7601 (7601.win7sp1_ldr_escrow.191127-1706)
12/12/2020 18:57:31:135 ServicePack: Service Pack 1
12/12/2020 18:57:31:135 SKU: Windows 7 Максимальная
12/12/2020 18:57:31:135 NetpDomainJoinLicensingCheck: ulLicenseValue=1, Status: 0x0
12/12/2020 18:57:31:135 NetpGetLsaPrimaryDomain: status: 0x0
12/12/2020 18:57:31:135 NetpMachineValidToJoin: status: 0x0
12/12/2020 18:57:31:135 NetpJoinDomain
12/12/2020 18:57:31:135 Machine: USER-PC
12/12/2020 18:57:31:135 Domain: org.a-b-c.ru
12/12/2020 18:57:31:135 MachineAccountOU: (NULL)
12/12/2020 18:57:31:135 Account: org.a-b-c.ru\Administrator
12/12/2020 18:57:31:135 Options: 0x27
12/12/2020 18:57:31:135 NetpLoadParameters: loading registry parameters...
12/12/2020 18:57:31:135 NetpLoadParameters: DNSNameResolutionRequired not found, defaulting to '1' 0x2
12/12/2020 18:57:31:135 NetpLoadParameters: DomainCompatibilityMode not found, defaulting to '0' 0x2
12/12/2020 18:57:31:135 NetpLoadParameters: status: 0x2
12/12/2020 18:57:31:135 NetpValidateName: checking to see if 'org.a-b-c.ru' is valid as type 3 name
12/12/2020 18:57:31:276 NetpCheckDomainNameIsValid [ Exists ] for 'org.a-b-c.ru' returned 0x0
12/12/2020 18:57:31:276 NetpValidateName: name 'org.a-b-c.ru' is valid for type 3
12/12/2020 18:57:31:276 NetpDsGetDcName: trying to find DC in domain 'org.a-b-c.ru', flags: 0x40001010
12/12/2020 18:57:34:041 NetpDsGetDcName: failed to find a DC having account 'USER-PC$': 0x525, last error is 0x0
12/12/2020 18:57:34:041 NetpLoadParameters: loading registry parameters...
12/12/2020 18:57:34:041 NetpLoadParameters: DNSNameResolutionRequired not found, defaulting to '1' 0x2
12/12/2020 18:57:34:041 NetpLoadParameters: DomainCompatibilityMode not found, defaulting to '0' 0x2
12/12/2020 18:57:34:041 NetpLoadParameters: status: 0x2
12/12/2020 18:57:34:073 NetpDsGetDcName: status of verifying DNS A record name resolution for 'dc2.org.a-b-c.ru': 0x0
12/12/2020 18:57:34:073 NetpDsGetDcName: found DC '\\dc2.org.a-b-c.ru' in the specified domain
12/12/2020 18:57:34:073 NetpJoinDomainOnDs: NetpDsGetDcName returned: 0x0
12/12/2020 18:57:34:088 NetUseAdd to \\dc2.org.a-b-c.ru\IPC$ returned 53
12/12/2020 18:57:34:088 NetpJoinDomain: status of connecting to dc '\\dc2.org.a-b-c.ru': 0x35
12/12/2020 18:57:34:088 NetpJoinDomainOnDs: Function exits with status of: 0x35
12/12/2020 18:57:34:088 NetpDoDomainJoin: status: 0x35
您是否嘗試在網域控制站上取消選取「在 DNS 中註冊此連線的位址」以封鎖 DNS 伺服器中的自動更新程序?
請嘗試:停用動態 DNS 更新在網域控制器上:
DWORD: UseDynamicDns 0