我有一個 ini 文件,如下所示
log_backup_timeout_s = 900
log_mode = normal
data_backup_parameter_file = /usr/sap/SI1/SYS/global/hdb/opt/hdbconfig/param
log_backup_parameter_file = /usr/sap/SI1/SYS/global/hdb/opt/hdbconfig/param
log_backup_using_backint = true
basepath_logbackup = /usr/sap/SI2/HDB02/backup/log
basepath_databackup= /usr/sap/SI2/HDB02/backup/data
enable_auto_log_backup = yes
log_backup_timeout_s = 900
log_mode = normal
這是一個使用極其簡單模組的 Perl 版本Config::Tiny
#! /usr/bin/perl
use Config::Tiny;
use strict;
my $cfg = Config::Tiny->read( './backup.ini' );
# create a hash containing changes to [backup]
my %B = ('data_backup_parameter_file' => '/usr/sap/SI1/SYS/global/hdb/opt/hdbconfig/param',
'log_backup_parameter_file' => '/usr/sap/SI1/SYS/global/hdb/opt/hdbconfig/param',
'log_backup_using_backint' => 'true',
# loop through the hash and add them to the .ini stored in $cfg
foreach my $b (keys %B) {
$cfg->{'backup'}->{$b} = $B{$b};
# create a hash containing changes to [persistence]
my %P = ('basepath_logbackup' => '/usr/sap/SI2/HDB02/backup/log',
'basepath_databackup' => '/usr/sap/SI2/HDB02/backup/data',
'enable_auto_log_backup' => 'yes',
# loop through the hash and add them to the .ini stored in $cfg
foreach my $p (keys %P) {
$cfg->{'persistence'}->{$p} = $P{$p};
$cfg->write( 'new.ini' );
為 Debian(及其衍生版本)、Fedora、Centos、OpenSuSE 和其他發行版打包,因此可以使用適當的套件管理工具輕鬆安裝。在其他系統上,使用 CPAN 進行安裝。
還有許多其他 perl 模組可用於處理 .ini 文件,有些具有更多功能,有些則採用更物件導向的方法。 Config::Tiny