# $vData is the root path
Get-Item $vData | foreach { $_ ; $_ | Get-ChildItem -directory -Force -Recurse }| foreach { $currentDir = $_; $acl = ($_ | Get-Acl).Access; $IDs = $acl | select identityreference ; foreach ($ID in $IDs) { if (($ID.ToString()).endswith('-admin')) { $acesToRemove = $acl | where{ $_.IsInherited -eq $false -and $_.IdentityReference -eq $ID }; $acl.RemoveAccessRuleAll($acesToRemove); Set-Acl -AclObject $acl $currentDir.ToString(); } } }
由於它是 1 行,為了便於閱讀,我將其拆分在下面。
Get-Item $vData |`
foreach {`
$_ ; $_ | Get-ChildItem -directory -Force -Recurse `
| foreach {`
$currentDir = $_;`
$acl = ($_ | Get-Acl).Access; `
$IDs = $acl | select identityreference ;`
foreach ($ID in $IDs) { `
if (($ID.ToString()).endswith('-admin')) {`
$acesToRemove = $acl | where{ $_.IsInherited -eq $false -and $_.IdentityReference -eq $ID };`
$acl.RemoveAccessRuleAll($acesToRemove); `
Set-Acl -AclObject $acl $currentDir.ToString(); `
刪除權限的程式碼是基於我在這裡找到的程式碼 使用 PowerShell 從 ACL 中完全刪除用戶
我相信RemoveAccessRuleAll(和RemoveAccessRule)適用於ACL,而不適用於Access 屬性。試試這樣的事情:
Get-ChidItem -Path $root -Directory -Force -Recurse |
ForEach-Object -Process {
$path = $_.FullName
Write-Output "Working on '$path'"
$acl = Get-Acl -Path $path
if ($aclsToRemove = $acl.Access | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.IdentityReference -like '*-admin' }) {
Write-Output " Found $($aclsToRemove.Count) ACLs to remove:"
foreach ($aclToRemove in $aclsToRemove) {
Write-Output " Removing $($aclToRemove.IdentityReference) - $($aclToRemove.FileSystemRights) - $($aclToRemove.AccessControlType) from ACL list"
Write-Output " Setting new ACL on filesystem"
Set-Acl -Path $_.FullName -AclObject $acl
從 reddit 找到了下面的答案,它似乎完成了我所需要的。
從https://www.reddit.com/r/PowerShell/comments/p19br8/bulk_removing_direct_access_to_a_folder_via/ PS_亞歷克斯
我認為你的問題是 $acl = ($_ | Get-Acl).Access。您的 $acl 物件僅包含 ACE。 Set-Acl cmdlet 需要完整的 ACL 物件作為 -AclObject 參數的輸入。
#Assuming $vdata is your root path
foreach ($folder in Get-ChildItem -Path $vdata -Directory -Recurse -Force) {
#Get the current ACL of the folder
$acl = Get-Acl -Path $folder.FullName
#Uncomment to explore the $acl object
#$acl | fl
#Filter the ACEs to identify the ones to remove, and remove them
foreach ($aceToRemove in $acl.Access.Where({$psitem.IdentityReference -match "-admin$" -and $psitem.IsInherited -eq $false})) {
#Uncomment to explore the $acl object
#$acl | fl
#Apply the ACL
Set-Acl -AclObject $acl -Path $folder.FullName