有沒有辦法強制 nginx 將變數視為上游名稱,而不是 URL?

有沒有辦法強制 nginx 將變數視為上游名稱,而不是 URL?

我有許多上游,我根據一組標頭從中選擇,但在添加後發現https://github.com/GUI/nginx-upstream-dynamic-servers我的$destination變數被解釋為 URL 而不是上游。這是一個片段:

http {
    upstream LegacyService {
        server my.server.location.com:443 max_fails=0 resolve;

    upstream NewService {
        server myNew.server.location.com:443 weight=100 max_fails=0 resolve;


    map $http_some_header $destination {
        default LegacyService;
        "~marker" NewService;
    server {
        listen localhost:8080;
        # lots of the usual setup
        location / {
            proxy_pass https://$destination;

此配置給我帶來了一堆錯誤,因為現在我的目的地被解釋為 URL 而不是上游的名稱:

2021/08/09 11:05:56 [error] 15326#0: *5761 no live upstreams while connecting to upstream, client:, RequestID: 6ef3b58fc95e07b083e6186df62ba15d, server: my.server.com, request: "POST / HTTP/1.1", upstream: "https://LegacyService/", host: "my.server.com"

