我有一個關於在硬碟上使用 bacula 實作 GFS 方案的問題(守護程式已經正常運作)。
每半年我想要一個至少可以存取 12 個月的完整備份 -> 我需要將備份保留得比 12 個月長一點,這樣第二個完整備份就不會覆蓋第一個。這意味著至少會有 3 個完整備份(我選擇了 18 個月)。這樣持續幾天、幾個月等等。簡單的 GFS 方案。
Name = "GGFSCycle"
Enabled = yes
# DailyCycle - the volume is kept for 14 days
Run = Level=Incremental Pool=DailyPool FullPool=HalfAnnualPool Priority=10 tuesday-sunday at 03:00
# WeeklyCycle - the volume is kept for 5 weeks
Run = Level=Incremental Pool=WeeklyPool FullPool=HalfAnnualPool Priority=11 monday at 03:00
# MonthlyCycle - the volume is kept for 7 months
Run = Level=Differential Pool=MonthlyPool FullPool=HalfAnnualPool Priority=12 february-june 1 at 03:00
Run = Level=Differential Pool=MonthlyPool FullPool=HalfAnnualPool Priority=12 august-december 1 at 03:00
# HalfAnnualCycle - the data is kept for 18 months
Run = Level=Full Pool=HalfAnnualPool Priority=13 january 1 at 03:00
Run = Level=Full Pool=HalfAnnualPool Priority=13 july 1 at 03:00
Pool {
Name = DailyPool
Pool Type = Backup
Storage = backup-server-sd
Label Format = "DailyVol_"
Volume Use Duration = 23 hours
Recycle = yes # Bacula can automatically recycle Volumes
AutoPrune = yes # Prune expired volumes
Volume Retention = 14 days
Maximum Volume Bytes = 50M # Limit Volume size to something reasonable
Maximum Volumes = 1000 # Limit number of Volumes in Pool
# -> max 50G
Pool {
Name = WeeklyPool
Pool Type = Backup
Storage = backup-server-sd
Label Format = "WeeklyVol_"
Volume Use Duration = 23 hours
Recycle = yes
AutoPrune = yes
Volume Retention = 5 weeks
Maximum Volume Bytes = 500M
Maximum Volumes = 80
# -> max 70G
Pool {
Name = MonthlyPool
Pool Type = Backup
Storage = backup-server-sd
Label Format = "MonthlyVol_"
Volume Use Duration = 2 days
Recycle = yes
AutoPrune = yes
Volume Retention = 7 months
Maximum Volume Bytes = 5G
Maximum Volumes = 80
# -> max 170G
Pool {
Name = HalfAnnualPool
Pool Type = Backup
Label Format = "HalfannualVol_"
Storage = backup-server-sd
Volume Use Duration = 3 days
Recycle = yes
AutoPrune = yes
Volume Retention = 18 months #1,5 years
Maximum Volume Bytes = 35G
Maximum Volumes = 20
# -> max 700G
增量備份始終引用最後一次增量備份、差異備份或完整備份,並僅儲存自那時以來發生變更的檔案。在我的方案中,我有兩個「不同的」增量備份,每日備份和每週備份。每週的總是引用前一天發布的每日的,對嗎?當我將每週一份保留超過4 週(我選擇了5 週)而每日一份僅保留超過10 天(我選擇了14 天)時,每日文件將在14 天後被刪除,但每月一份仍然引用它們。那麼會有「洞」嗎?
我想通了,是否可以有多個“級別”的增量備份,就像我可以說每週增量備份僅引用每週備份(level0)而每日增量備份僅引用每日備份(level1) )問題就會消失。當我保留完整備份的時間較短時,也會出現相同的問題。例如,如果完整備份覆蓋了唯一現有的備份,則差異備份可以引用的完整備份將不復存在,並且我將丟失迄今為止所做的所有備份。
我在網路上查了一下,發現了一個bacula 文檔中的章節:它指出:「現在,由於每種不同類型的保存都需要在不同的時期保持有效,因此最簡單的方法(也可能是唯一的方法)是為每種備份類型擁有一個單獨的池。」。
- 這基本上意味著除了 bacula 文件章節中的單一 full-、diff-和 inkr-pool 之外,沒有其他解決方案。它是否正確?
- 如果不正確,我如何使用兩個不同的增量池來實現我的目標?
到目前為止,我已經在 bacula-user-mailinglist 的幫助下解決了這個問題。不可能為單一作業有效地擁有多個增量池。我已將我的設定更改為:
Name = "GFSCycle"
Enabled = yes
# DailyCycle - the volumes are kept for 40days
Run = Level=Incremental Pool=DailyPool FullPool=HalfAnnualPool Priority=10 daily at 03:00
# MonthlyCycle - the volumes are kept for 7months
Run = Level=Differential Pool=MonthlyPool FullPool=HalfAnnualPool Priority=11 february-june 1 at 03:00
Run = Level=Differential Pool=MonthlyPool FullPool=HalfAnnualPool Priority=11 august-december 1 at 03:00
# HalfAnnualCycle - the volumes are kept 12months
Run = Level=Full Pool=HalfAnnualPool Priority=12 january 1 at 03:00
Run = Level=Full Pool=HalfAnnualPool Priority=12 july 1 at 03:00
Pool {
Name = DailyPool
Pool Type = Backup
Storage = backup-server-sd
Label Format = "DailyVol_"
Volume Use Duration = 23 hours
Recycle = yes # Bacula can automatically recycle Volumes
AutoPrune = yes # Prune expired volumes
Volume Retention = 40 days
Maximum Volume Bytes = 50M # Limit Volume size to something reasonable
Maximum Volumes = 3000 # Limit number of Volumes in Pool
# -> max 150G
Pool {
Name = MonthlyPool
Pool Type = Backup
Storage = backup-server-sd
Label Format = "MonthlyVol_"
Volume Use Duration = 2 days
Recycle = yes
AutoPrune = yes
Volume Retention = 7 months
Maximum Volume Bytes = 5G
Maximum Volumes = 80
# -> max 170G
Pool {
Name = HalfAnnualPool
Pool Type = Backup
Label Format = "HalfannualVol_"
Storage = backup-server-sd
Volume Use Duration = 3 days
Recycle = yes
AutoPrune = yes
Volume Retention = 12 months
Maximum Volume Bytes = 35G
Maximum Volumes = 20
# -> max 700G
-> 文件保留 = 12 個月,作業保留 = 12 個月
還有虛擬完整備份可能會很方便,並且在以下位置有更詳細的說明: https://www.baculasystems.com/incremental-backup-software/
再次非常感謝 bacula-user-mailinglist 上幫助我解決這個問題的每個人。