




server {   
   listen   ${PORT};
   # Don't include any local server address info in redirects
   absolute_redirect off;

   index    index.html;

   root ${HTML_SRC};

   include  ${INCLUDE_DIR}/*.conf;
   # Serve any matching requested file (CSS, etc.) fallbacking to /index.html
   location / {
      # First try a matching existing file, then just show index.html
      try_files     $uri $uri/ /index.html;

(includeINCLUDE_DIR/headers.conf) 定義為:

# Global headers
add_header  X-FRAME-OPTIONS "DENY"  always;
add_header  Cache-Control   "no-store, must-revalidate" always;
add_header  Report-To   "<global-config>" always;
add_header  Content-Security-Policy "<global-config>" always;

# Location specific paths

# Specific known existing file in /$HTML_SRC/.well-known
location /.well-known/apple-app-site-association$ {
    default_type    application/json;
    # Redirect everything to fallback / location to serve the file
    rewrite .* / last;

# Assets
location ~* \.(jpg|jpeg|gif|png|svg|ttf)$ {
    # Redeclare global headers (not inherited)
    add_header  X-FRAME-OPTIONS "DENY"  always;
    add_header  Report-To   "<global-config>" always;
    add_header  Content-Security-Policy "<global-config>" always;
    # Cache assets for a bit longer
    add_header  Cache-Control   "max-age=31557600";
    # Redirect everything to fallback / location to serve any files file
    rewrite .* / last;

location = /login {
    # Redeclare global headers (not inherited)
    add_header  X-FRAME-OPTIONS "DENY"  always;
    add_header  Cache-Control   "no-store, must-revalidate" always;
    # Path specific CSP headers
    add_header  Report-To   "<specific-config>" always;
    add_header  Content-Security-Policy "<specific-config>" always;
    # Redirect everything to /
    rewrite .* / last;

# All locations with this prefix have these headers
location /some-other-path {
    # Redeclare global headers (not inherited)
    add_header  X-FRAME-OPTIONS "DENY"  always;
    add_header  Cache-Control   "no-store, must-revalidate" always;
    # Path specific CSP headers
    add_header  Report-To   "<other-specific-config>" always;
    add_header  Content-Security-Policy "<other-specific-config>" always;
    # Redirect everything to /
    rewrite .* / last;

我意識到任何locations 都add_header意味著任何頂級(在本例中是在server模板中add_header不被繼承


請注意,我已經簡化了新增的標頭,例如包含 CSP 標頭,還有其他全域標頭和其他特定於位置的標頭。我還有其他需要不同標頭的路徑,但我認為上面的內容可以透過我可以應用於這些的通用解決方案來修復。


rewrite...last將會導致 Nginx尋找新地點處理請求。只有最後一個location才能設定響應標頭。


try_files /index.html =404;

請注意,該/index.html術語是不是最後一個參數。如果它是最後一個參數,則會導致 Nginx 搜尋新的位置來處理請求。

或者,將所有add_header語句放在一起,並使用 amap設定特定值。看這個答案
