Solr 運作正常,但當我嘗試開啟控制台“localhost:8983”時出現“SolrCore 初始化失敗”

Solr 運作正常,但當我嘗試開啟控制台“localhost:8983”時出現“SolrCore 初始化失敗”

我正在使用 CentOs-6.7(已安裝 Java 最新版本)並solr-5.3.2.tgz。然後我解壓縮到我的目錄 /opt/solr-5.3.2,然後使用命令啟動 solr

bin/solr 啟動 -e 雲端 -noprompt

之後 solr 啟動正常,沒有任何問題,然後我檢查連接埠是否正常監聽並建立。下面是我啟動 solr 後的列印內容。

 Welcome to the SolrCloud example!

Starting up 2 Solr nodes for your example SolrCloud cluster.

Creating Solr home directory /opt/solr-5.3.2/example/cloud/node1/solr
Cloning /opt/solr-5.3.2/example/cloud/node1 into

Starting up Solr on port 8983 using command:
bin/solr start -cloud -p 8983 -s "example/cloud/node1/solr"

Waiting up to 30 seconds to see Solr running on port 8983 [\]
Started Solr server on port 8983 (pid=8560). Happy searching!

Starting up Solr on port 7574 using command:
bin/solr start -cloud -p 7574 -s "example/cloud/node2/solr" -z localhost:9983

Waiting up to 30 seconds to see Solr running on port 7574 [\]
Started Solr server on port 7574 (pid=8776). Happy searching!

Connecting to ZooKeeper at localhost:9983 ...
Uploading /opt/solr-5.3.2/server/solr/configsets/data_driven_schema_configs/conf for config gettingstarted to ZooKeeper at localhost:9983

Creating new collection 'gettingstarted' using command:


Enabling auto soft-commits with maxTime 3 secs using the Config API

POSTing request to Config API: http://localhost:8983/solr/gettingstarted/config
Successfully set-property updateHandler.autoSoftCommit.maxTime to 3000

SolrCloud example running, please visit: http://localhost:8983/solr

現在的問題是當我嘗試使用開啟 solr 控制台時http://localhost:8983/solr或者http://本地主機:8983,我收到錯誤

"SolrCore Initialization Failures"







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