為 IPSEC/L2TP VPN 安裝 OpenSwan xl2tpd

為 IPSEC/L2TP VPN 安裝 OpenSwan xl2tpd

我有一個由 QuickWeb.co.nz 託管的 VPS,運行 Ubuntu 12.04 OpenVZ。

我下載並解壓縮了 OpenSwan,但仍然無法安裝:

root@vps:~/openswan-2.6.35# apt-get install openswan xl2tpd ppp 
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree... Done
Package ppp is not available, but is referred to by another package.
This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or
is only available from another source

E: Unable to locate package openswan
E: Unable to locate package xl2tpd
E: Package 'ppp' has no installation candidate

我承認我是個新手,我正在邊學習邊學習。感謝您的耐心與幫助! :)


試著apt-get update先更新 apt 的軟體包列表,然後再試
