我想為幾個人運行一個老式的 shell 伺服器,即。使用者可以獲得 ssh 存取權限,以便他們可以運行軟體(他們自己的或提供的)。我關心的是用戶之間的適當分離。
以前我使用 grsec,但這需要保留較舊的核心並處理自己編譯它的麻煩。是否有更現代、更 Ubuntu 的方式來確保共享伺服器上的使用者分離?
也許你可以用 AppArmor 做一些事情來達到這個效果?或者也許有一個為共享環境預先配置的核心儲存庫?或基於容器的解決方案?這些最近很流行。
Linux 上現在支援該hidepid
選項。從man 5 proc
hidepid=n (since Linux 3.3)
This option controls who can access the information in
/proc/[pid] directories. The argument, n, is one of the
following values:
0 Everybody may access all /proc/[pid] directories. This is
the traditional behavior, and the default if this mount
option is not specified.
1 Users may not access files and subdirectories inside any
/proc/[pid] directories but their own (the /proc/[pid]
directories themselves remain visible). Sensitive files
such as /proc/[pid]/cmdline and /proc/[pid]/status are now
protected against other users. This makes it impossible to
learn whether any user is running a specific program (so
long as the program doesn't otherwise reveal itself by its
2 As for mode 1, but in addition the /proc/[pid] directories
belonging to other users become invisible. This means that
/proc/[pid] entries can no longer be used to discover the
PIDs on the system. This doesn't hide the fact that a
process with a specific PID value exists (it can be learned
by other means, for example, by "kill -0 $PID"), but it
hides a process's UID and GID, which could otherwise be
learned by employing stat(2) on a /proc/[pid] directory.
This greatly complicates an attacker's task of gathering
information about running processes (e.g., discovering
whether some daemon is running with elevated privileges,
whether another user is running some sensitive program,
whether other users are running any program at all, and so
gid=gid (since Linux 3.3)
Specifies the ID of a group whose members are authorized to
learn process information otherwise prohibited by hidepid
(ie/e/, users in this group behave as though /proc was mounted
with hidepid=0. This group should be used instead of approaches
such as putting nonroot users into the sudoers(5) file.
因此,在 Linux > 3.3 上安裝/proc
足以隱藏其他使用者進程的詳細資訊。 Ubuntu 12.04 預設附帶 3.2,但您可以安裝更新的核心。 Ubuntu 14.04 及更高版本可以輕鬆滿足此要求。
從每個主目錄中刪除其他人的權限(如果需要,也可以刪除群組的權限)。當然,我假設包含主目錄的資料夾對 root 以外的任何人都沒有寫入權限。
然後,使用 ACL 授予 Web 伺服器和郵件伺服器等服務對適當目錄的存取權限。例如,要授予 Web 伺服器進程存取使用者主頁的權限,假設www-data
setfacl u:www-data:X ~user
setfacl d:u:www-data:rX ~user/public_html
同樣,為郵件進程和郵箱目錄新增 ACL。
至少在 Ubuntu 14.04 及更高版本上,ACL 在 ext4 上預設為啟用。