ubuntu gnome 16.04 無法關機但可以重新啟動

ubuntu gnome 16.04 無法關機但可以重新啟動

最近我在我的 Gateway 筆記型電腦上安裝了 Ubuntu-gnome 16.04,但是當我嘗試關閉它時出現問題,按鈕不起作用,計算機掛起並顯示徽標屏幕。

我曾經使用過這些命令 ,,, sudo halt等等 , 但是上面的大部分命令也會停止在日誌螢幕上,除了暫停命令快速掛在黑屏上並顯示輸出:sudo shutdown -P nowinit 0systemd poweroff


當我關閉電腦時,我在 /var/log/syslog 中取得一些日誌文件

May  9 17:24:28 ljhui-NV47H systemd[1]: Stopping Session 1 of user ljhui.
May  9 17:24:28 ljhui-NV47H gnome-session[832]: gnome-session-binary[832]: WARNING: Lost name on bus: org.gnome.SessionManager
May  9 17:24:28 ljhui-NV47H gnome-session[832]: gnome-session-binary[832]: CRITICAL: We failed, but the fail whale is dead. Sorry....
May  9 17:24:28 ljhui-NV47H gnome-session-binary[832]: WARNING: Lost name on bus: org.gnome.SessionManager
May  9 17:24:28 ljhui-NV47H systemd[1]: Stopping Session c1 of user gdm.
May  9 17:24:28 ljhui-NV47H gnome-session-binary[832]: CRITICAL: We failed, but the fail whale is dead. Sorry....
May  9 17:24:28 ljhui-NV47H systemd[813]: Stopped target Default.
May  9 17:24:28 ljhui-NV47H rsyslogd: [origin software="rsyslogd" swVersion="8.16.0" x-pid="599" x-info="http://www.rsyslog.com"] exiting on signal 15.

