mkdir: 無法在 /root 下建立目錄: 權限被拒絕

mkdir: 無法在 /root 下建立目錄: 權限被拒絕


讓我成為stack具有 sudo 權限的用戶,這樣我就可以x通過sudo mkdir /root/x.運行得很好。但無論我如何嘗試,如果沒有 sudo,我的許可都會被拒絕。我設定了chown -R stack:stack /root、 和chmod 777 /root,但仍然無法建立子資料夾:

stack@2d11fb64044f:/$ whoami
stack@2d11fb64044f:/$ ls -l / | grep stack
drwxrwxrwx   6 stack stack 4096 Sep 27 23:11 root
stack@2d11fb64044f:/$ ls /root
local.conf  logs
stack@2d11fb64044f:/$ mkdir /root/x
mkdir: cannot create directory '/root/x': Permission denied

如何設定/root資料夾權限以便stack使用者能夠在 中建立新的子資料夾/root?這是 Ubuntu 14.04 docker 映像。


 x:\>docker run -it ubuntu:14.04 /bin/bash
 root@c4d9e561f4e8:/# adduser stack
 Adding user `stack' ...
 Adding new group `stack' (1000) ...
 Adding new user `stack' (1000) with group `stack' ...
 Creating home directory `/home/stack' ...
 Copying files from `/etc/skel' ...
 Enter new UNIX password:
 Retype new UNIX password:
 passwd: password updated successfully
 Changing the user information for stack
 Enter the new value, or press ENTER for the default
    Full Name []:
    Room Number []:
    Work Phone []:
    Home Phone []:
    Other []:
 Is the information correct? [Y/n] y
 root@c4d9e561f4e8:/# chown stack /root
 root@c4d9e561f4e8:/# su - stack
 stack@c4d9e561f4e8:~$ mkdir /root/x
 mkdir: cannot create directory '/root/x': Permission denied
