透過 ssh+netcat 的多跳 rsync 很快就失敗:連線意外關閉

透過 ssh+netcat 的多跳 rsync 很快就失敗:連線意外關閉

我想將目錄從伺服器同步到我的客戶端。我無法直接存取伺服器,但需要透過 ssh 網關進行跳轉。從我的“.ssh/config”:

Host gw
    User ab123456
    HostName gw.somewhere.ac.uk
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_dsa.pub
    ServerAliveInterval 60

Host remote
    User me
    HostName remote.somewhere.ac.uk
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_dsa.pub
    ProxyCommand nohup ssh gw netcat -w1 %h %p
    ServerAliveInterval 60


$ rsync -av remote:/path/to/somewhere/ somewhere/
nohup: redirecting stderr to stdout
rsync: connection unexpectedly closed (0 bytes received so far) [Receiver]
rsync error: unexplained error (code 255) at io.c(226) [Receiver=3.1.0]

$ rsync -av remote:/path/to/somewhere/ somewhere/
nohup: redirecting stderr to stdout

            Access to this system is monitored etc. etc.

receiving incremental file list
Write failed: Broken pipe
rsync: connection unexpectedly closed (12288 bytes received so far) [receiver]
rsync error: error in rsync protocol data stream (code 12) at io.c(226) [receiver=3.1.0]
rsync: connection unexpectedly closed (16336 bytes received so far) [generator]
rsync error: unexplained error (code 255) at io.c(226) [generator=3.1.0]


我使用 netcat 是因為我的同事給了我這個配置文件,它適用於普通的 ssh。

請注意,與情況不同這個問題rsync -av,當我替換為時,我遇到了同樣的問題scp -pr(並且我確實需要rsync正確同步的能力)。



#ProxyCommand nohup ssh gw netcat -w1 %h %p

ProxyCommand nohup ssh gw -W %h:%p

適用於現代 OpenSSH。現在我沒有立即暫停。
