在這台新機器上安裝 Ubuntu 時,我遇到了各種問題,所以我四處詢問 ubuntu 尋求解決方案。這是最新的! :D 當我啟動電腦時,它顯示溫度約為 50-55。當我打開 chromium 時,它顯示 60+ (61,62,63)。當同時處理 2 個應用程式時,它甚至會達到 67-68。風扇工作時的聲音比 Windows 7 中稍大。我已經失去了這台機器。您可以找到規格這裡 圖片下方寫著「technishe daten」。點擊該選項卡,您將達到規格。
經過一番研究並參考上面發布的鏈接hekiko81我的狀態如下:僅使用後hekiko81 的解決方案系統將啟動,但沒有花哨的 3D 效果,當我「fglrxinfo」獲取有關當前 VGA 的詳細資訊時,我得到以下資訊:
Error of failed request: BadRequest (invalid request code or no such operation)
Major opcode of failed request: 136 (GLX)
Minor opcode of failed request: 19 (X_GLXQueryServerString)
Serial number of failed request: 12
Current serial number in output stream: 12
此錯誤是由於從官方 amd 頁面下載的 ATI 專有驅動程式失敗所致。 (安裝正確)。我當時認為使用 ATI 驅動程式並不是最好的主意,因為我有一個整合的 intel HD 3000(沙橋)GPU(帶有 ATI AMD Radeon HD 6470M)。所以我重新安裝了 ubuntu 11.10 並執行了以下操作來解決問題:
由於所有養眼的東西都可以與整合 GPU 配合使用,所以我堅持使用它(使用預設的 ubuntu 打開驅動程式)
2。已關注這來自 Ubuntu 論壇的指南
我在本教程中僅使用了 1. 和 2. (a,b):
1. Apply PCIE_ASPM
(Source: Phoronix)
As everyone suggested adding this for laptops to have longer battery life. I edited /etc/default/grub as
GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash pcie_aspm=force i915.i915_enable_rc6=1 i915.i915_enable_fbc=1"
and then running
$ sudo update-grub
Note: I previously had added acpi_osi=Linux pci=noacpi (on worst condition of black screen), which I think is no more required, because the computer boots on to GUI without them. Above command enables power management, sandy bridge support (rc6) and frame buffer compression.<br/>
2. Apply Support for Hybrid Graphics
(Source: Linux Hybrid Graphics)
For those of you who don't have two graphics card this step is not required. In Ubuntu 11.04 I had bug while installing this, so I could not run vgaswitcheroo/switch
a. Install acpi_call
$ sudo apt-get install git
$ cd /tmp
$ git clone https://github.com/mkottman/acpi_call.git
$ cd acpi_call
$ make
$ sudo insmod acpi_call.ko
$ lscpi -vnnn | grep VGA # Check status here
$ ./test_off.sh # Check for any line that says "it works"
$ lspci -vnnn | grep VGA # Check with result of above
b. byo-switheroo (Unplug the ac-cord and see if it changes the battery life)
$ git clone https://github.com/awilliam/asus-switcheroo.git
$ cd asus-switcheroo
$ make
$ sudo make install-ubuntu
$ sudo su -
# cat /sys/kernel/debug/vgaswitcheroo/switch
# echo OFF > /sys/kernel/debug/vgaswitcheroo/switch
It is temporary. If you have two graphics cards next time you boot, you will see both cards have Pwr set. If you want this to be permanent add the discrete card (e.g ati as blacklist). This settings will only enable the default intel card and disable other card. I haven't found yet a solution to flawlessly switch intel and ati cards. The better solution would be ati card using dedicated applications via catalyst control center.
$ sudo vi /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf
Add a line at last
blacklist radeon
Then edit /etc/rc.local as
$ vi /etc/rc.local
Make the part after comments look like this
modprobe radeon
echo OFF > /sys/kernel/debug/vgaswitcheroo/switch
exit 0
*向 heiko81 致敬;)
Jupiter 將出現在您的通知欄中。點擊它並轉到效能模式 -> 省電模式,以降低溫度。
echo OFF > /sys/kernel/debug/vgaswitcheroo/switch
降低CPU溫度並降低風扇轉速。 (若要永久啟用此功能,請返回步驟 2)。當您啟用此功能時,您的 GPU 溫度讀數將消失(顯示 -128c),但當您重新啟動時,它將照常測量 GPU。
為了測量溫度,我建議您使用 XSensors (sudo apt-get install XSensors) 並使用以下命令校準感測器感測器檢測
就這樣吧。給我關於這個解決方案的反饋,它對我在 HP Pavilon g6 上有效,但它讓我感到嚴重頭痛。最終我閒置時的溫度為43-45; 48-55(使用大量資源時為60)。
您可以嘗試本文建議的兩種解決方案之一,安裝最新版本的 Ati 專有驅動程式或電池消耗指示器 Jupiter: