無法從 UDF 分割區 (SSD) 中刪除

無法從 UDF 分割區 (SSD) 中刪除

我有Xubuntu 16.10,並且使用Windows 10 雙啟動。 ,我決定嘗試UDF。

我已將以下條目新增至 /etc/fstab :

/dev/sda2 /mnt/e_drive udf   defaults,uid=1000,rw 0 0


adam@BC-LINPC-02:/$ mount |grep e_drive
/dev/sda2 on /mnt/e_drive type udf (rw,relatime,uid=1000,utf8)


adam@BC-LINPC-02:/mnt/e_drive/src/project_test$ echo "hello world" > some_new_file.txt
adam@BC-LINPC-02:/mnt/e_drive/src/project_test$ ls -lah some_new_file.txt 
-rw-rw-r-- 1 adam adam 12 Jan  6 03:14 some_new_file.txt
adam@BC-LINPC-02:/mnt/e_drive/src/project_test$ rm -fr some_new_file.txt 


adam@BC-LINPC-02:/mnt/e_drive/src/project_test$ sudo rm -fr dist.7z 
rm: cannot remove 'dist.7z': Operation not permitted
adam@BC-LINPC-02:/mnt/e_drive/src/project_test$ ls -lah dist.7z
-rwxrwxrwx 1 adam nogroup 788K Dec 29 05:07 dist.7z




為了回應 George 的評論,我應該提到 chown 也不起作用:

adam@BC-LINPC-02:/mnt/e_drive/src/project_test$ sudo chown -Rv adam:adam .tmp
[sudo] password for adam: 
chown: changing ownership of '.tmp/templateCache.js': Operation not permitted
failed to change ownership of '.tmp/templateCache.js' from adam:nogroup to adam:adam
chown: changing ownership of '.tmp/concat/scripts/scripts.js': Operation not permitted
failed to change ownership of '.tmp/concat/scripts/scripts.js' from adam:nogroup to adam:adam
chown: changing ownership of '.tmp/concat/scripts/vendor.js': Operation not permitted
failed to change ownership of '.tmp/concat/scripts/vendor.js' from adam:nogroup to adam:adam
chown: changing ownership of '.tmp/concat/scripts': Operation not permitted
failed to change ownership of '.tmp/concat/scripts' from adam:nogroup to adam:adam
chown: changing ownership of '.tmp/concat': Operation not permitted
failed to change ownership of '.tmp/concat' from adam:nogroup to adam:adam
chown: changing ownership of '.tmp/scripts/app.d.ts': Operation not permitted
failed to change ownership of '.tmp/scripts/app.d.ts' from adam:nogroup to adam:adam
...  (every file in that recursive tree) ...
