Ubuntu One ファイルの iPhone クライアントはありますか?

Ubuntu One ファイルの iPhone クライアントはありますか?

Is it possible to access files in my account Ubuntu One via iPhone?


An iPhone client is on our roadmap, so you will eventually be able to. I can't quite tell you when it will be launched, so keep an eye out on our blog for when we announce it.


Meanwhile two Ubuntu One client apps have been released in the App Store: Ubuntu One Files and Ubuntu One Music. And most recently, there has appeared an free app called webNotes which syncs notes with Tomboy using your Ubuntu One account.


Yes, it is possible. There is a files app, and a music streaming app. You can read more about them, and find the links to download them, here: https://one.ubuntu.com/downloads/iphone/


I´ve asked this to the Ubuntu-One team,and get the same aswer. While the app for files is released I´m using Dropbox; you can visualize your photos, read pdf, and get a link to share the file with someone else.
