Why can't I change my volume keybindings?

Why can't I change my volume keybindings?

私のラップトップのデフォルトのサウンド調整キーは fn + 上/下です。gnome 2.x では、この割り当てをキーパッドの右上のキー (/ と *) に簡単に変更できました。gnome 3 ではキー割り当てを変更できるようですが、これらのボタンを押すと、/ と * の記号が引き続き表示されます。デフォルトのメディア キー割り当て以外は何も登録されないようです。これは報告すべきバグでしょうか、それとも gnome の意図的な動作でしょうか?

I do know they block assigning regular keys for protection of losing keyboard functionality but in this case it does allow me to assign it, it merely doesn't work.

EDIT: I've found that the same thing happens under KDE as well. I believe that Gnome is not to blame. What is preventing these keys from registering their assigned actions?


You can change keybindings with a .xmodmap file in your home directory. First you gotta open a terminal type xev and then the press desired keys (keys you want the behaviour of and keys you want this behaviour to have). Xev will record the keybindings giving you keycodes and names of commands. Then you go to you home directory and create a new file called .xmodmap. In there you have to arrange everything as the following example:

keycode 110 = Home (key you want to give = the desired command)

With this you can easyly swap or change keybindings. After that you have to log out and back in and choose the created .xmodmap to be used.

In the end it looks like this:

keycode key1 = function key2

keycode key2 = function Key1
