VPN to Internal Network - How to access IIS sites

VPN to Internal Network - How to access IIS sites


Softlayer サーバーのプライベート ネットワークに接続するために VPN 接続を使用しています。

理想的には、ロックダウンされていて一般に公開されるべきではない当社の Web サイトにアクセスできるようにしたいのですが、問題は、その DNS が外部 (GoDaddy 経由) であることです。

私が検討していることは次のとおりです - ただし、これを設定するより良い方法があるかどうかはわかりません。

  1. setup windows DNS on webserver
  2. limit windows DNS to the private network interface only
  3. setup entries in windows DNS for private websites
  4. setup vpn to use/assign this dns server IP

    a. how can i set it up so that if my DNS doesn't resolve an address it will fallback to an external DNS server? not sure if this is automatic?

  5. setup IIS host header entries for new internal website names (mysite.internal) - etc etc a. how can i install SSL on these sites, i do have SSL but its tied to these sites external domain names?

Hopefully i provided enough information - i'm really new to all this and i'm not certain the best way to configure this or proceed.


  1. On the DNS Server; you have option to specify forwarders. Any domain that is not setup on the DNS will be resolved using the DNS servers specified as Forwarders. On windows machine, it is automatic, since it has Root Hints.

  2. There is no work around. You cannot use SSL for a domain that it is not issued for. You can however use the same Domain name internally, if there is no need to resolve it externanally. For example. www.yourdomain.com can resolve to externally, and internally (on your DNS server).
