Ubuntu 16.10 の暗号化されたホーム フォルダーを復号化するにはどうすればよいですか?

Ubuntu 16.10 の暗号化されたホーム フォルダーを復号化するにはどうすればよいですか?

I have a defunct Ubuntu 16.10 installation* on a separate hard drive. There are files on that drive, in my home directory, that I need access to, but are encrypted using Ubuntu's "encrypt home folder" option.

I am currently on Windows 7 with access to cygwin.

I am using "DiskInternals Linux Reader" to read the ext4 /home diretory.

I am able to get to /home/.encryptfs/joshua/ using DiskInternal's tool.

I see a folder .encryptfs and another .Private.

I have my login password for the defunct Ubuntu installation.

What next steps can I take to get access to the data?

*Defunct because I have since overwritten all of my drive's bootloaders and I am not able to boot into that system. Things were a mess and I am in the process of cleaning things up, and I forgot to copy some important files.


As strongly implied by the .encryptfs file, the files have been stored using the encFS encryption - so you just need software that can read this -

Google came up with


You really want to run the eCryptfs utility ecryptfs-recover-private.

It's basically a "fire and forget" script, you can tell it where your encrypted files are or it searches everywhere for them, then it asks for your login passphrase or mount passphrase, then mounts the files in "a temporary directory, in the form of /tmp/ecryptfs.XXXXXXXX" for you to read/copy.

[You can even see exactly what the shell script does if you're so interested with less $(which ecryptfs-recover-private) ]

AFAIK the eCryptfs utilities have not been ported to windows, so you'll have to run a linux. Just about any distribution that supports eCryptfs should work, but Ubuntu 16.10 should still run good enough to just decrypt & read files even though it's no longer supported (16.04 is a LTS and still supported, or a more recent Ubuntu will probably read the older eCryptfs files ok).

I'd either:

  • ライブ Linux ISO を起動し、そこから作業して、復号化されたファイルを別の Windows 読み取り可能な形式/ドライブ (または必要に応じて Windows 読み取り可能な暗号化、TrueCrypt のような形式、VeraCrypt、場合によっては LUKS) にコピーします。

    USBやDVDからの起動は簡単ですが、ブートローダ(grub?)を修復または回復すればハードドライブファイルからでも起動できます。ブート修復ライブ Linux から古い Ubuntu を再び起動できるようになるかもしれませんが、いずれにしても最初に別の Linux を起動するのは鶏が先か卵が先かという問題があります。

  • 仮想 PC (VirtualBox など) を使用して Linux ISO を実行し、暗号化されたファイルを直接読み取って復号化します (または、ファイルが比較的小さい場合は、仮想 Linux PC にコピーします)。

