

\newglossaryentry の説明の一部に、複数行の式 ([ および ] または $$ $$ を使用した既存の 1 行の式は中央揃えではないため、適切な列に対して中央揃えが望ましい) が必要です。



PS: 私はこれから何か得られると思いました:ここにリンクの説明を入力してください でもできなかった...



    \usepackage[xindy,counter=section,sanitize={name=false},style=index]{glossaries} %[toc]% %\glstoctrue
        \makeglossaries %has to be after \usepackage{hyperref}              

                    name=Affine Variety,
                    description={Affine varieties are defined to be anything that looks like the set of common zeros of a collection of polynomials. E.g., $A = \mathbb{C}[X]$ is the ring of polynomials in $X$ with complex coefficients. Let $f=X-1 \in A$ and its set of zeros, $Z(\{f\})=\{1\}$ is an example of an affine variety.}
                    name=Removable Singularity,
                    description={Formally, if $U \subset \mathbb{C}$ is an open subset of the complex plane $\mathbb{C}$, and $a \in U$, and $f: U\backslash\{a\} \to \mathbb{C}$ a holmorphic function, then $a$ is a removable singularity for $f$ if there exists a holomorphic function $g: U \to \mathbb{C}$, coinciding with $f$ on $U\backslash\{a\}$. It is said that $f$ is holomorphically extended over $U$ if such a $g$ exists.  A simple example is the function $$f(z) = \frac{\sin(z)}{z}$$ at $z=0$ (even this: \[f(z) = \frac{\sin(z)}{z}\] doesn't center.). The singularity, due to the indeterminate form, can be removed by defining $f(0)=1$, which is the limit of $f$ as $z$ approaches zero.}
                    name=Tetrahedral Coordinates,
                    description={Coordinates useful in plotting projective three-dimensional curves of the form $f(x_0,x_1,x_2,x_3)=0$, which are defined by  
    %               \begin{minipage}[t][5cm][b]{0,5\textwidth}
    %               \ensuremath{
    %               $$ {\setlength\arraycolsep{0.2em} \begin{eqnarray} x_0 = 1-z-\sqrt{2}\,x \\  x_1 = 1 - z + \sqrt{2}\,x \\ x_2 = 1+ z+ \sqrt{2}\,y \\ x_3 = 1 + z - \sqrt{2}\,y \end{eqnarray} } $$ 
    %               \end{minipage}
    %               }



Consider the equation
e = m * c^2
in which \gls{AffineVariety} is here, but not here \gls{TetrahedralCoordinates} oh and this \gls{RemovableSingularity}.





より良いオプションは、パッケージ\newcolumntypeのコマンドを使用しarrayて表形式環境用の新しい列タイプを設定し、それを使用して新しい用語集スタイルを定義することです。my3colこのスタイルは に基づいていますlong3colが、説明の列タイプが変更されています。




\usepackage[xindy,counter=section,sanitize={name=false},style=index]{glossaries} %[toc]% %\glstoctrue
  \newcolumntype{G}{% This is defining a new column type for tabulars which we will use to define the longtable environment in the new glossary style
\newglossarystyle{my3col}{% call that style my3col
\setglossarystyle{long3col}% base it on long3col so we don't need to define the everything from scratch
\renewenvironment{theglossary}% here's the bit we want to alter
    {\begin{longtable}{lGp{\glspagelistwidth}}}% just change the central column to our new column type, G

\glossarystyle{my3col}% we want to use the new style!
\makeglossaries %has to be after \usepackage{hyperref}

            name=Affine Variety,
            description={Affine varieties are defined to be anything that looks like the set of common zeros of a collection of polynomials. E.g., $A = \mathbb{C}[X]$ is the ring of polynomials in $X$ with complex coefficients. Let $f=X-1 \in A$ and its set of zeros, $Z(\{f\})=\{1\}$ is an example of an affine variety.}
            name=Removable Singularity,
            description={Formally, if $U \subset \mathbb{C}$ is an open subset of the complex plane $\mathbb{C}$, and $a \in U$, and $f: U\backslash\{a\} \to \mathbb{C}$ a holmorphic function, then $a$ is a removable singularity for $f$ if there exists a holomorphic function $g: U \to \mathbb{C}$, coinciding with $f$ on $U\backslash\{a\}$. It is said that $f$ is holomorphically extended over $U$ if such a $g$ exists.  A simple example is the function
              \[f(z) = \frac{\sin(z)}{z}\]
            at $z=0$ (even this:
              \[f(z) = \frac{\sin(z)}{z}\]
            doesn't center.). The singularity, due to the indeterminate form, can be removed by defining $f(0)=1$, which is the limit of $f$ as $z$ approaches zero.}
            name=Tetrahedral Coordinates,
            description={Coordinates useful in plotting projective three-dimensional curves of the form $f(x_0,x_1,x_2,x_3)=0$, which are defined by
               X_0 = 1-Z-\sqrt{2}\,X \\
               X_1 = 1 - Z + \sqrt{2}\,X \\
               X_2 = 1+ Z+ \sqrt{2}\,Y \\
               X_3 = 1 + Z - \sqrt{2}\,Y


Consider the equation
e = m * c^2
in which \gls{AffineVariety} is here, but not here \gls{TetrahedralCoordinates} oh and this \gls{RemovableSingularity}.






  • \makeglossaries前文を2回書く必要はありません。
  • $$...$$は非推奨なので使用しないでください。\[...\]代わりに、たとえば を使用してください。
