、キャプションの行が逆になる以外はうまくいきます。以下に MWE を添付します。
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\indent X-ray generation is produced by inelastic collisions of the incident electrons with electrons in discrete orbitals of atoms in the sample. As excited electrons return to lower energy states, they yield x-rays that are of a fixed wavelength. These wavelengths are related to the difference in energy levels of electrons in different shells for a given element. This allows characteristic x-rays to be generated for each element in a material that is "excited" by the electron. One of the benefits of SEM analysis is that it is "non-destructive"; the x-rays generated by the electron interactions do not lead to volume loss of the sample, so it is possible to analyze materials repeatedly.
Figure 3 displays a typical SEM schematic.
\begin{figure}[ht] \centering
\caption{Typical SEM Schematic Displaying Electron Source, Focal Lenses, and}{Detectors}
おそらくこれがあなたが望んでいることなのでしょう – 最後のキャプション行を中央に配置することです。一方、通常、行間を広げる場合、脚注とキャプションの行間を広げたくないことに注意してください。set space パッケージはこれらの詳細を処理するので、私はそれを読み込んで\linespread
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\indent X-ray generation is produced by inelastic collisions of the incident electrons with electrons in discrete orbitals of atoms in the sample. As excited electrons return to lower energy states, they yield x-rays that are of a fixed wavelength. These wavelengths are related to the difference in energy levels of electrons in different shells for a given element. This allows characteristic x-rays to be generated for each element in a material that is "excited" by the electron. One of the benefits of SEM analysis is that it is "non-destructive"; the x-rays generated by the electron interactions do not lead to volume loss of the sample, so it is possible to analyze materials repeatedly.
Figure 3 displays a typical SEM schematic.
\begin{figure}[ht] \centering
\caption{Typical SEM Schematic Displaying Electron Source, Focal Lenses, and Detectors}