\usepackage{xcolor} %% THIS ONE IS USED FOR THE COLOUR MIX E.G. BlUE + BLACK
\definecolor{payne\'sgrey}{rgb}{0.25, 0.25, 0.28} %% OR define color == full list == http://latexcolor.com/
\definecolor{sapphire}{rgb}{0.03, 0.15, 0.4}
\definecolor{platinum}{rgb}{0.9, 0.89, 0.89}
\usepackage[top=0cm, bottom=2cm, outer=0cm, inner=0cm]{geometry}
\headheight 20.5pt %% put this outside This blue rectangle the font be in the top
\headsep 10pt %% put this outside
\crule[sapphire!50!sapphire!100]{25cm}{0.11cm} \\ %% TOP RECTANGLE
\textbf{Company name} %% COMPANY NAME
\textbf {Week X, xx-xx-201x – xx-xx-201x}\\
\crule[sapphire!50!sapphire!100]{6cm}{0.11cm} %% WEEK+RECTANGLE
\put(40,00){\includegraphics[width=50mm]{box.png}} %% OVERVIEW
\put(50,10) {1. OVERVIEW}
\centering % Centers the table on the page, comment out to left-justify
\begin{tabular}{l c | c | c l c l}
% The final bracket specifies the number of columns in the table along with left and right borders which are specified using vertical bars (|); each column can be left, right or center-justified using l, r or c. To specify a precise width, use p{width}, e.g. p{5cm}
\toprule % Top horizontal line
\textbf{System STAT} & Weekly (Qty.) & Weekly Growth \% & Total (Qty.) \\ % Column names row
\bottomrule % In-table horizontal line \\
produced systems \\
active systems& x & x & x \\
registered systems & x & x & x \\ %
deactivated systems & x+y & x+y & x+y \\
\hspace{0.3cm} no. of deactivated systems & y & y & y \\
\hspace{0.3cm} no. of previously active systems & x & x & x \\
\textbf{Organization STAT} \\
\# organization & x & x & x \\
\midrule % In-table horizontal line
\textbf{User STAT} \\
\# users & x & x & x \\
\midrule % In-table horizontal line
\midrule % In-table horizontal line
\textbf{Other STAT} \\
\# avg. days from production to a system becomes active & x & x & x \\
\% of active systems out of potential active systems \\
(\#systems that should be active based on avg. time) \\
\# avg. days from a system becomes active to registration & x & x & x \\ % Summary/total row
\bottomrule % Bottom horizontal line
便利なパラメータを使用して を使用することで回避できます。
\usepackage{xcolor} %% THIS ONE IS USED FOR THE COLOUR MIX E.G. BlUE + BLACK
\definecolor{payne\'sgrey}{rgb}{0.25, 0.25, 0.28} %% OR define color == full list == http://latexcolor.com/
\definecolor{sapphire}{rgb}{0.03, 0.15, 0.4}
\definecolor{platinum}{rgb}{0.9, 0.89, 0.89}
\usepackage{eso-pic, graphicx}
\usepackage[margin=0cm, headheight=20.5pt, headsep=10pt]{geometry}
\crule[sapphire!50!sapphire!100]{25cm}{0.11cm} \\ %% TOP RECTANGLE
\textbf{Company name} %% COMPANY NAME
\textbf {Week X, xx-xx-201x – xx-xx-201x}\\
\crule[sapphire!50!sapphire!100]{6cm}{0.11cm} %% WEEK+RECTANGLE
%\put(40,00){\includegraphics[width=50mm]{box.png}} %% OVERVIEW
\put(50,10) {1. OVERVIEW}
\centering % Centers the table on the page, comment out to left-justify
\fbox{\begin{tabular}{l c | c | c l c l}
% The final bracket specifies the number of columns in the table along with left and right borders which are specified using vertical bars (|); each column can be left, right or center-justified using l, r or c. To specify a precise width, use p{width}, e.g. p{5cm}
\toprule % Top horizontal line
\textbf{System STAT} & Weekly (Qty.) & Weekly Growth \% & Total (Qty.) \\ % Column names row
\midrule[\heavyrulewidth] % In-table horizontal line \\
produced systems \\
active systems& x & x & x \\
registered systems & x & x & x \\ %
deactivated systems & x+y & x+y & x+y \\
\hspace{0.3cm} no. of deactivated systems & y & y & y \\
\hspace{0.3cm} no. of previously active systems & x & x & x \\
\textbf{Organization STAT} \\
\# organization & x & x & x \\
\midrule % In-table horizontal line
\textbf{User STAT} \\
\# users & x & x & x \\
\midrule % In-table horizontal line
\midrule % In-table horizontal line
\textbf{Other STAT} \\
\# avg. days from production to a system becomes active & x & x & x \\
\% of active systems out of potential active systems \\
(\#systems that should be active based on avg. time) \\
\# avg. days from a system becomes active to registration & x & x & x \\ % Summary/total row
\bottomrule % Bottom horizontal line