

次の画像のように、固定幅の 2 列のテーブルを作成したいと思います。 ここに画像の説明を入力してください


\begin{tabular}{c c}

AVG & The average weight of a document is calculated as the sum of weights W(t,c) of its terms dithe document.  \\
STD & The standard deviation of the weighted as    of the snus the av\\
MIN & The minimum weight of a document is the l)  in the document.  \\
MAX & The  weight of a  term weight W(t,c) found  \\
PROB & The overall weight of a docuvided by the total number the docu \\
PROP & The between the number of vocabulary terms of the docume

しかし、問題は境界線がないことです。また、テキストがドキュメントの 2 番目の列と重なっています。




\usepackage{tabularx, ragged2e, caption, lipsum}


\caption{my caption} \label{some-label}% for cross references
    AVG & The average weight of a document is calculated as the sum of weights W(t,c) of its terms dithe document. \\
    STD & The standard deviation of the weighted as of the snus the av\\
    MIN & The minimum weight of a document is the l) in the document. \\
    MAX & The weight of a term weight W(t,c) found \\
    PROB & The overall weight of a docuvided by the total number the docu \\
    PROP & The between the number of vocabulary terms of the document\\


