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                           {Riess\ \BOthers {.}}{Riess\ \BOthers {.}}{{\APAC...
l.35 ...xpansion of the Universe \cite{Riess_1998}
                                                  [1][2], by studying distan...
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    doi = {10.1086/300499},
    url = {https://doi.org/10.1086%2F300499},
    year = {1998},
    month = {},
    publisher = {{IOP} Publishing},
    volume = {116},
    number = {3},
    pages = {1009--1038},
    author = {Adam G. Riess and Alexei V. Filippenko and Peter Challis and Alejandro Clocchiatti and Alan Diercks and Peter M. Garnavich and Ron L. Gilliland and Craig J. Hogan and Saurabh Jha and Robert P. Kirshner and B. Leibundgut and M. M. Phillips and David Reiss and Brian P. Schmidt and Robert A. Schommer and R. Chris Smith and J. Spyromilio and Christopher Stubbs and Nicholas B. Suntzeff and John Tonry},
    title = {Observational Evidence from Supernovae for an Accelerating Universe and a Cosmological Constant},
    journal = {The Astronomical Journal},
    abstract = {We present spectral and photometric observations of 10 Type Ia supernovae...}



\bibitem [\protect \citeauthoryear {%
\ \protect \BOthers {.}}{%
\ \protect \BOthers {.}}{%
{\protect \APACyear {1998}}%
\APACinsertmetastar {%
Riess, A\BPBI G.%
, Filippenko, A\BPBI V.%
, Challis, P.%
, Clocchiatti, A.%
, Diercks, A.%
, Garnavich, P\BPBI M.%
\BDBL {}Tonry, J.%
{\BBOQ}\APACrefatitle {Observational Evidence from Supernovae for an
  Accelerating Universe and a Cosmological Constant} {Observational evidence
  from supernovae for an accelerating universe and a cosmological
\APACjournalVolNumPages{The Astronomical Journal}{116}{3}{1009--1038}.
\begin{APACrefURL} \url{https://doi.org/10.1086%2F300499} \end{APACrefURL}
\begin{APACrefDOI} \doi{10.1086/300499} \end{APACrefDOI}



In 2011, Perlmutter, Schmidt and Reiss were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics for their discovery of the accelerating expansion of the Universe \cite{Riess_1998}





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