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以下はメイン ファイル全体です。ほとんどのコンテンツにサブファイルを使用しています。

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\lhead{Mathematical Methods of Physics}                

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\newcommand{\I}{\mathbb{I}} % capitol letter i, for identity element or matrix
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\newcommand{\ves}[1]{\skew{-2} \vec{#1}}

\title{Mathematical Methods of Physics}
\author{Martin F. Melhus}



{\huge Mathematical Methods of Physics}


Physics 309, section A

Fall 2019


Physics 309 covers the mathematical methods of physics.  The class meets three hours a week, at times to be arranged.  The instructor is Professor Martin Melhus.  Dr.\ Melhus's office is in Kirkbride Hall, room 246, and his campus phone extension is 4377. Dr.\ Melhus will post his schedule and office hours outside his office; he is also available outside these hours by appointment.

The textbook is \emph{Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering}, by Riley, Hobson, and Bence, 3$^{rd}$ edition, Cambridge University Press.  References to the text in these notes will simply be page numbers in square brackets [ ].

The class is divided into several sections, each addressing a different topic.  Those topics are:

\item \hyperref[sec01]{Fundamentals}
\item \hyperref[sec02]{Vector Calculus} (Differentiation) % only chapters written so far
\item Calculus of Variations
\item Generalized Integration
\item Complex Variables
\item Matrices, Linear Algebra, Vector Spaces, and Function Spaces
\item Ordinary Differential Equations (Overview)
\item Partial Differential Equations\\[6pt]
(if time permits)
\item Special Functions
\item Tensors

There will be one oral midterm approximately three fifths of the way through the semester, and a written take home final exam due during finals week.  The instructor may also add a second oral exam as part of the final exam if it is deemed necessary.

Homework will be assigned approximately bi-weekly, with due dates stated as part of the assignment.  Grading for the class will be as follows (subject to modification by the professor):

\begin{tabular}{l l l}
Homework & $\quad$ & 40\%\\[3pt]
Participation & & 10\%\\[3pt]
Midterm Exam & & 20\%\\[3pt]
Final Exam & & 30\%\\










セクション 1 の冒頭は次のとおりです。


\ifcsname preamble@file\endcsname



We begin the course by examining the fundamental mathematical principles that we already know, insuring that we understand them to sufficient depth to build a complete and coherent mathematical structure upon them.  Much of this section should be well understood by the student; the professor feels that, despite this, it is best to formalize that understanding.

The idea of equality is so fundamental to mathematics that we must begin by defining the concept of equality, with the following three statements [1064]:

\begin{tabular}{l l l}
Reflexive principle & $\quad $ &$a = a$\\[1mm]
Symmetry principle & & If $a = b$ then $b = a$\\[1mm]
Transitive principle & & If $a = b$ and $b = c$ then $a = c$

These principles allow us to understand what constitutes the mathematical concept we call `equals'.  These ideas are so deeply ingrained in our mathematical thinking that we often do not consider them, but simply use them appropriately.  The ideas that they represent, that a thing is equal to itself, that if a first thing is equal to a second then perforce the second thing is equal to the first, and so forth, are fundamental, but need to be examined critically and formalized.


In addition to equals, $=$, we have a number of other symbols that express a relation between elements of sets.  The more commonly used ones are listed below, and explained.

(and so on, ....)


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This should also link to the \hyperlink{section.1}{section}.
