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\section*{Socratic Irony}
Kreuz cites Aristotle for testimony about Socratic irony.
Aristotle mentions Socrates in Book 4 of \textit{Nichomachean Ethics} while he is discussing the virtue concerning truthfulness about one's abilities.
This (unnamed) virtue, says Aristotle in \textit{NE} 4.7, is a mean between boasting and false modesty (\textgreek{ἀλαζονεία} and \textgreek{εἰρωνεία}).
Boasters claim admirable qualities that they lack or they exaggerate their share in those qualities; the \textit{eiron} disavows admirable qualities that they possess.
In this context, Aristotle says, ``The qualities that win reputation are the ones that these people especially disavow, as Socrates also used to do'' (\textit{NE} 4.7 in Irwin's translation).
This (unnamed) virtue, says Aristotle in \textit{NE} 4.7, is a mean between boasting and false modesty (\textgreek{ἀλαζονεία} and \textgreek{εἰρωνεία}).
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