解決したい問題が少しあります。ここでの問題は、証明環境の次の行も太字にしたいということです。つまり、次の MWE を考えてみましょう。
\documentclass[10pt, welsh, english, a4paper]{report}
\oldproof[\Large \color{red}{\textbf{Proof}}]%
%Removing the punctuation from Proof environment and, note environment is the correct spelling of that word.
\usepackage{etoolbox} % etoolbox defines the command 'AtBeginEnvironment'
\title{LaTeX document for testing and faster compilations prior to organizing into other documents}
\author{Faycal Kilali\thanks{"It is not knowledge, but the act of learning, not possession but the act of getting there, which grants the greatest enjoyment." - Carl Friedrich Gauss}}
\section{Placeholder section}
If a connected plane graph has v vertices, e edges and f faces, then \begin{gather}
v - e + f = 1 \label{thm:9.2:1}
\begin{proof}{Proof of \Autoref{thm:9.2}}
Here is the statement p(n) we are going to try to prove by induction: \\ p(n): every connected plane graph with n edges satisfies the formula \(v - n + f = 1\).
Notice that p(n) is a statement about lots of plane graphs. p(1) says that every connected plane graph with 1 edge satisfies the formula; there is only one such graph:
しかし、私は「証明」の大きな赤い太字の文字が「定理 1.1 の証明」という次の部分のスタイルにも影響を与えるようにしたいのですが、どうすればこれを実現できるでしょうか?
数式はいつものように入力してください。単一の式では を使用しないでくださいgather
に変更した はありません。と\autoref
をロードしていません。 また、 をロードせずに にオプションを渡しました。 また、へのオプションの中に と言う場合、同じオプションを再度渡す意味はありません。xcolor
\documentclass[10pt, welsh, english, a4paper]{report}
\usepackage{etoolbox} % etoolbox defines the command 'AtBeginEnvironment'
%Removing the punctuation from proof environment
\section{Placeholder section}
If a connected plane graph has $v$ vertices, $e$ edges and $f$ faces, then
v - e + f = 1 \label{thm:9.2:1}
\begin{proof}{Proof of \autoref{thm:9.2}}
Here is the statement \(p(n)\) we are going to try to prove by induction:
\(p(n)\): every connected plane graph with $n$ edges satisfies the formula \(v - n + f = 1\).
Notice that \(p(n)\) is a statement about lots of plane graphs.
\(p(1)\) says that every connected plane graph with one edge satisfies the formula;
there is only one such graph: