ヘッダーボックス baposter 内のテーブルと並べて画像をフロートできません

ヘッダーボックス baposter 内のテーブルと並べて画像をフロートできません




\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} %unicode support


\graphicspath{{figures/}} % Directory in which figures are stored






headerborder=open, % Adds a border around the header of content boxes
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{Some title which may be very long}
} % Poster title


\headerbox{1. Introduction}{name=introduction,column=0,row=0, span=3}{
one & two & three \\
1   &   2 & 3 \\
1   &   2 & 3 \\


one & two & three \\
1   &   2 & 3 \\
1   &   2 & 3 \\


\headerbox{6. Conclusions}{name=conclusion,column=1,below=introduction,span=2,above=bottom}{

We proved that DeCAF is a significant improvement over the SEA algorithm, a popular method for comparing sets of ligands.
    \item DeCAF gives better results for 23 out of 35 receptors.
    \item For targets with easily separable active and inactive datasets, SEA and DeCAF give similar results.
    \item In cases in which SEA fails to identify active molecules, our method performs substantially better.

\headerbox{7. References}{name=references,column=0,span=1,below=introduction,above=bottom}{

%\small % Reduce the font size in this block
\renewcommand{\section}[2]{\vskip 0.05em} % Get rid of the default "References" section title
%\nocite{*} % Insert publications even if they are not cited in the poster

\bibliography{poster} % Use sample.bib as the bibliography file








2 つの表を上揃えのミニページに配置し\begin{minipage}[t]{<width>}、図についても同様の操作を行います。




% !TeX TS-program = pdflatex


\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} %unicode support

\graphicspath{{figures/}} % Directory in which figures are stored   





        headerborder=open, % Adds a border around the header of content boxes
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        {Some title which may be very long}
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    \headerbox{1. Introduction}{name=introduction,column=0,row=0, span=3}{
        \begin{minipage}[t]{\dimexpr 4cm+3cm+3cm + 6\tabcolsep} % added <<<
            \vspace{0pt} % needed <<<<<
                one & two & three \\
                1   &   2 & 3 \\
                1   &   2 & 3 \\
                one & two & three \\
                1   &   2 & 3 \\
                1   &   2 & 3 \\
        \begin{minipage}[t]{0.3\textwidth}% added <<<
            \vspace{0pt} % needed <<<<<
        \end{minipage} \hfill
    \headerbox{6. Conclusions}{name=conclusion,column=1,below=introduction,span=2,above=bottom}{
        We proved that DeCAF is a significant improvement over the SEA algorithm, a popular method for comparing sets of ligands.
            \item DeCAF gives better results for 23 out of 35 receptors.
            \item For targets with easily separable active and inactive datasets, SEA and DeCAF give similar results.
            \item In cases in which SEA fails to identify active molecules, our method performs substantially better.
    \headerbox{7. References}{name=references,column=0,span=1,below=introduction,above=bottom}{
        %\small % Reduce the font size in this block
        \renewcommand{\section}[2]{\vskip 0.05em} % Get rid of the default "References" section title
        %\nocite{*} % Insert publications even if they are not cited in the poster
%           \bibliographystyle{unsrt}
%           \bibliography{poster} % Use sample.bib as the bibliography file

