方程式のリストには、\align 環境内の方程式もリストされません。

方程式のリストには、\align 環境内の方程式もリストされません。

方程式をリストするための既存の例には、\align 環境の方程式が含まれていません。両方の方程式タイプを同じ方程式リストに含めるにはどうすればよいですか? MWE は次のとおりです。

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% we use this for our refernces as well

% redefinition of \equation for convenience
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\AtBeginDocument{\let\oldlabel = \label}% \AtBeginDocument because hyperref redefines \label
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% redefinition of \eqnarray for convenience
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\let\endoldeqnarray = \endeqnarray
%\AtBeginDocument{\let\oldlabel = \label}% \AtBeginDocument because hyperref redefines \label
  \StrBehind{#1}{eq:}[\Str]% remove "eq:" from labels

\newcommand{\listequationsname}{\normalsize  List of Equations}



\section{Section title}
  F=q[E+(v\times B)]

  \tau=F\times r
If the electrical force in \ref{eq:Force} is ignored,
and the remaining magnetic force is used in \ref{eq:Torque},
with the assumption that $v$ is perpendicular to $B$, we find that

  \min_{u_{i}(t),y_i, i=1...N}\!\!\!\!\!\! J(u_i(t),y_i)  &:=  \sum_{i=1}^N \int_0^{T} R_i(u_{i}(t),t) dt \label{eq:objective function}\\
+&  \xi \int_{0}^{T}  \left(\theta\frac{M - I(t)}{M}K(t)  - D(t)\right)^2 dt +  \sum_{i=1}^N \gamma_i y_i  \notag\\
  + & \sum_{i=1}^N p_{i} \int_{T_i}^{T} u_i(t-T_i)dt \notag\\
 +&  h\int_{0}^T \left[\theta\frac{M - I(t)}{M}K(t) - D(t)\right]^+ dt, \notag

subject to
  K(t)& = \sum_{i=1}^N u_i(t-T_i), & \quad t\in [0,T] \label{eq:2} \\
  u_i(t) &\le  % \theta_i S_i(t) y_i =
  \theta_i (M_i - I_i(t)) y_i,  & \ \ i = 1\ldots N \quad t\in [0,T-T_i] \label{eq:ui}\\
  u_i(t) & =  0, & i = 1\ldots N \quad t\in [T-T_i,T] \label{eq:uio}\\
  \dot{I}_i(t)& = f_i(I_i(t)), &  i = 1 \ldots N \quad t\in [0,T]& \label{eq:dotIi}\\
  \dot{I}(t)& = f(I(t)), &\quad t\in [0,T] \label{eq:dotI}\\
  u_i(t) & \ge  0, & i = 1 \ldots N \quad t\in [0,T]& \label{eq:const5}\\
  K(t)& \ge  0, &\quad t\in [0,T]& \\
  y_i &\in  \{0,1\},  & i = 1 \ldots N& \label{eq:const6}

\begin{equation}\label{eq:capacity constraint}
    u^{j}_i(t) \leq Min_{p\in C^{j}_{i}} \sum_{k \in {K^{j}_{ip}}} u^{j+1}_k(t-T_k)






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\newcommand{\listequationsname}{\normalsize List of Equations}



\section{Section title}
   F=q[E+(v\times B)]
   \label{eq:Force}  \\ \myequations{Force}
   \tau=F\times r
\end{gather} \myequations{Torque}
If the electrical force in \cref{eq:Force} is ignored, and 
if the remaining magnetic force is used in \cref{eq:Torque}, 
with the assumption that $v$ is perpendicular to~$B$, we 
find that

   \label{eq:objective function} 
   \myequations{Objective function}
     \substack{u_{i}(t),y_i,\\ i=1,\dots,N}}}}
&\coloneqq \sum_{i=1}^N \int_0^{T} R_i(u_{i}(t),t)\, dt 
&\quad+ \xi \int_{0}^{T} \left(\theta\frac{M - I(t)}{M}K(t) - D(t)\right)^{\!2} dt 
      + \sum_{i=1}^N \gamma_i y_i \\
&\quad+ \sum_{i=1}^N p_{i} \int_{T_i}^{T} u_i(t-T_i)\,dt\\
&\quad+  h\int_{0}^T \left[\theta\frac{M - I(t)}{M}K(t) - D(t)\right]^+ dt,
subject to
  K(t) &= \sum\nolimits_{i=1}^N u_i(t-T_i), 
    && t\in [0,T] 
       \label{eq:2} \\
  u_i(t) &\le  % \theta_i S_i(t) y_i =
  \theta_i (M_i - I_i(t)) y_i,  
    && i = 1,\ldots, N, 
       \quad t\in [0,T-T_i] 
       \label{eq:ui} \\ \myequations{ui}
  u_i(t) &=  0, 
    && i = 1,\ldots, N, 
       \quad t\in [T-T_i,T] 
       \label{eq:uio} \\ \myequations{uio}
  \dot{I}_i(t) &= f_i(I_i(t)), 
    && i = 1,\ldots,N, 
       \quad t\in [0,T] 
       \label{eq:dotIi} \\ \myequations{dotIi}
  \dot{I}(t) &= f(I(t)), 
    && t\in [0,T] 
       \label{eq:dotI}\\ \myequations{dotI}
  u_i(t) &\ge  0, 
    && i = 1,\ldots,N, 
       \quad t\in [0,T]
       \label{eq:const5} \\ \myequations{const5}
  K(t) &\ge  0, 
    && t\in [0,T] \\
  y_i &\in  \{0,1\},  
    && i = 1,\ldots,N 
\end{align} \myequations{const6}
  \label{eq:capacity constraint}
  \myequations{Capacity constraint}
    u^{j}_i(t) \leq \min_{p\in C^{j}_{i}} \sum_{k \in {K^{j}_{ip}}} u^{j+1}_k(t-T_k)



Mico がコメントしたように、 を再定義しないでください\label。ラベルを指定したくない場合は、両方を実行する簡単なコマンドを作成できます。\refここでは、ams アライメント内の正しい番号を取得するために使用しました。

\usepackage{mathtools} % for \coloneqq and \mathclap macros
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    bookmarksnumbered=false, bookmarksopen=false, 
    breaklinks=false, backref=false, 


\newcommand{\listequationsname}{\normalsize List of Equations}




\section{Section title}
   F=q[E+(v\times B)]
   \myeq{Force}  \\
   \tau=F\times r
If the electrical force in \cref{eq:Force} is ignored, and 
if the remaining magnetic force is used in \cref{eq:Torque}, 
with the assumption that $v$ is perpendicular to~$B$, we 
find that

   \myeq{objective function} 
     \substack{u_{i}(t),y_i,\\ i=1,\dots,N}}}}
&\coloneqq \sum_{i=1}^N \int_0^{T} R_i(u_{i}(t),t)\, dt 
&\quad+ \xi \int_{0}^{T} \left(\theta\frac{M - I(t)}{M}K(t) - D(t)\right)^{\!2} dt 
      + \sum_{i=1}^N \gamma_i y_i \\
&\quad+ \sum_{i=1}^N p_{i} \int_{T_i}^{T} u_i(t-T_i)\,dt\\
&\quad+  h\int_{0}^T \left[\theta\frac{M - I(t)}{M}K(t) - D(t)\right]^+ dt,
subject to
  K(t) &= \sum\nolimits_{i=1}^N u_i(t-T_i), 
    && t\in [0,T] 
       \label{eq:2} \\
  u_i(t) &\le  % \theta_i S_i(t) y_i =
  \theta_i (M_i - I_i(t)) y_i,  
    && i = 1,\ldots, N, 
       \quad t\in [0,T-T_i] 
       \myeq{ui} \\
  u_i(t) &=  0, 
    && i = 1,\ldots, N, 
       \quad t\in [T-T_i,T] 
       \myeq{uio} \\
  \dot{I}_i(t) &= f_i(I_i(t)), 
    && i = 1,\ldots,N, 
       \quad t\in [0,T] 
       \myeq{dotIi} \\
  \dot{I}(t) &= f(I(t)), 
    && t\in [0,T] 
  u_i(t) &\ge  0, 
    && i = 1,\ldots,N, 
       \quad t\in [0,T]
       \myeq{const5} \\
  K(t) &\ge  0, 
    && t\in [0,T] \\
  y_i &\in  \{0,1\},  
    && i = 1,\ldots,N 
  \myeq{capacity constraint}
    u^{j}_i(t) \leq \min_{p\in C^{j}_{i}} \sum_{k \in {K^{j}_{ip}}} u^{j+1}_k(t-T_k)


