写真に示すように、すでに 3 つのノードと矢印が相互に接続されています。矢印はループを形成しており、ループが形成されていることを示すために、三角形の領域内に矢印が付いた円 (テキストを含む場合もあります) を追加したいと思います。どうすればいいでしょうか?
\documentclass[border={10pt 10pt 10pt 10pt}]{standalone}
\usetikzlibrary{shapes, positioning, arrows.meta, decorations.pathmorphing}
node distance = 3.0cm and 1.5cm,
sa/.style = {->, thick},
sb/.style = {->, thick, dashed, red},
sc/.style = {->, thick, dotted, blue},
n/.style = {draw, inner sep = 3pt, align = center}]
\node[n] (ta)
\node[n, left = of ta] (tb)
\node[n, below right = of tb] (tc)
\draw[sa, sloped] (ta) to (tb);
\draw[sb] (tb) to (tc);
\draw[sc] (tc) to (ta);
\documentclass[border={10pt 10pt 10pt 10pt}]{standalone}
\usetikzlibrary{shapes, positioning, arrows.meta, decorations.pathmorphing}
node distance = 3.0cm and 1.5cm,
sa/.style = {->, thick},
sb/.style = {->, thick, dashed, red},
sc/.style = {->, thick, dotted, blue},
n/.style = {draw, inner sep = 3pt, align = center}]
\node[n] (ta)
\node[n, left = of ta] (tb)
\node[n, below right = of tb] (tc)
\draw[sa, sloped] (ta) to (tb);
\draw[sb] (tb) to (tc);
\draw[sc] (tc) to (ta);
\draw[->,red] (-0.4,-1) arc [radius=0.5cm,start angle=0,end angle=340];
\node at (-0.4-0.5,-1) {Text};