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Shahrawat, R., and Rao, K. D. & 2012& Insured yet vulnerable: Out-of-pocket payments and India’s poor& All ages& 2004-05& 124644& All Diseases& Health& 5.1\\
Raban et al.,& 2013& Variations in catastrophic health expenditure estimates from household surveys in India& All Ages& 2004-05& 124644& All Diseases& Consumption & 14\\
Raban et al.,& 2013& Variations in catastrophic health expenditure estimates from household surveys in India& All Ages& 2009-10& 100855& All Diseases& Consumption & 13.9\\
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Shahrawat, R. and Rao, K. D., 2012
& Insured yet vulnerable: Out-of-pocket payments and India’s poor
& All ages& 2004--05& 124644& All Diseases& Health& 5.1\\
Raban et al., 2013
& Variations in catastrophic health expenditure estimates from household surveys in India
& All ages& 2004--05& 124644& All Diseases& Consumption & 14\\
Raban et al., 2013
& Variations in catastrophic health expenditure estimates from household surveys in India
& All ages& 2009--10& 100855& All Diseases& Consumption & 13.9\\