TikZ でインタラクティブな図を作成する方法

TikZ でインタラクティブな図を作成する方法


囲碁図鑑 - 初期位置

囲碁ブック図解 - 1手目


正直に言うと、TikZ でそれが可能かどうかはわかりません。可能でしょうか? HTML と JS を TikZ に挿入する方法があるのでしょうか?

これは 3 つの動きがある囲碁盤の最小限の例です。アイデアとしては、TikZ に何らかの UI を追加して前後に移動し、それに応じて各動きを表示するというものです (再生ボタンは必要ありません)。




    \setlength{\step}{\dimexpr 10cm / 18 \relax}

    \draw[step=\step] (0, 0) grid (10, 10);

    \draw[draw = white, fill = black, line width = 0.1mm]
      (2 * 10cm / 18, 3 * 10cm / 18)
      circle [radius = 0.2575cm]
      node[color = white] {1};
    \draw[draw = black, fill = white, line width = 0.1mm]
      (3 * 10cm / 18, 3 * 10cm / 18)
      circle [radius = 0.2575cm]
      node[color = black] {2};
    \draw[draw = white, fill = black, line width = 0.1mm]
      (4 * 10cm / 18, 3 * 10cm / 18)
      circle [radius = 0.2575cm]
      node[color = white] {3};



animateinline以下はfrom package を使用する例ですanimate。Adobe Reader および Foxit Reader では動作します (VS Code の PDF ビューアーでは動作しないようです)。



\setlength{\step}{\dimexpr 10cm / 18 \relax}


        %create the board 
        \draw[step=1] (0, 0) grid (18, 18);

        %setup black
        \foreach \bloc in {{2,4},{3,4},{4,4},{5,4},{6,5},{7,6}}{
          \filldraw[line width = 0.1mm] (\bloc) circle [radius = 0.2575cm];

        %setup white
        \foreach \wloc in {{2,6},{3,6},{4,6},{5,6},{6,6},{7,7}}{
          \filldraw[fill=white,line width = 0.1mm] (\wloc) circle [radius = 0.2575cm];

        %play the go-game start from black
        \foreach \stepnum/\loc in {1/{8,7},2/{8,8},3/{9,8}}{
          \playgo{\i}{\stepnum}{\filldraw[fill={\ifodd\stepnum black\else white\fi},line width = 0.1mm] (\loc) circle [radius = 0.2575cm] node [color = \ifodd\stepnum white\else black\fi] {\stepnum};}




更新: 表示される進行状況バーと派手な色を追加します。



\setlength{\step}{\dimexpr 10cm / 18 \relax}


        %create the board 
        \fill [brown!30] (-0.5,-0.5) rectangle (18.5,18.5);
        \draw[step=1] (0, 0) grid (18, 18);
        \draw [line width=2pt] (0,0) rectangle (18,18);
        \foreach \sloc in 
 {{3,3},{3,9},{3,15},{9,3},{9,9},{9,15},{15,3},{15,9},{15,15}}{\filldraw (\sloc) circle [radius=1.5pt];}
        %add progress bar
        \draw [rounded corners=3pt,blue!20] (5,-0.85) rectangle (13,-1.15);
        \fill [rounded corners=3pt,blue] (5,-0.85) rectangle ++(\i*13/\value{totalsteps}-\i*5/\value{totalsteps} ,-0.3);
        \filldraw [blue] (5,-0.85) ++ (\i*13/\value{totalsteps}-\i*5/\value{totalsteps} ,-0.15) circle [radius=5pt];
        %setup black
        \foreach \bloc in {{2,4},{3,4},{4,4},{5,4},{6,5},{7,6}}{
          \filldraw[line width = 0.1mm] (\bloc) circle [radius = 0.2575cm];

        %setup white
        \foreach \wloc in {{2,6},{3,6},{4,6},{5,6},{6,6},{7,7}}{
          \filldraw[fill=white,line width = 0.1mm] (\wloc) circle [radius = 0.2575cm];

        %play the go-game start from black
        \foreach \stepnum/\loc in {1/{8,7},2/{8,8},3/{9,8}}{
          \playgo{\i}{\stepnum}{\filldraw[fill={\ifodd\stepnum black\else white\fi},line width = 0.1mm] (\loc) circle [radius = 0.2575cm] node [color = \ifodd\stepnum white\else black\fi] {\stepnum};}



TikZ と animate パッケージを使用して次のアニメーションを作成しました。



\documentclass[tikz, border=30mm]{standalone}

\shade[top color=gwhite, bottom color=white] (0,0)circle(0.95);

\shade[top color=gblack, bottom color=black] (0,0)circle(0.95);

\foreach\i in {0, 10, 20, ..., 100}{
\draw[line width=0.5mm, step=2] (0,0)grid(16,16);

\node[opacity=\i/100, scale=3, text width=4cm, align =center, preaction={fill, wood}] at (8,14) {\color{white}In order to take over the white goishi we need};

\foreach\i in {90, 80,..., 0}{
\draw[line width=0.5mm, step=2] (0,0)grid(16,16);

\node[opacity=\i/100, scale=3, text width=4cm, align =center, preaction={fill, wood}] at (8,14) {\color{white}In order to take over the white goishi we need};


\foreach\i in {0, 10, 20, ..., 100}{
\draw[line width=0.5mm, step=2] (0,0)grid(16,16);

\node[opacity=\i/100, scale=3, text width=4cm, align =center, preaction={fill, wood}] at (8,14) {\color{white}To surround them using the black goishi};
\foreach\i in {90, 80, 70, ..., 0}{
\draw[line width=0.5mm, step=2] (0,0)grid(16,16);

\node[opacity=\i/100, scale=3, text width=4cm, align =center, preaction={fill, wood}] at (8,14) {\color{white}To surround them using the black goishi};

\draw[line width=0.5mm, step=2] (0,0)grid(16,16);

\draw[line width=0.5mm, step=2] (0,0)grid(16,16);


\draw[line width=0.5mm, step=2] (0,0)grid(16,16);

\draw[line width=0.5mm, step=2] (0,0)grid(16,16);

\draw[line width=0.5mm, step=2] (0,0)grid(16,16);

\draw[line width=0.5mm, step=2] (0,0)grid(16,16);

\foreach\i in {90, 80, 70, ...,0}{
\draw[line width=0.5mm, step=2] (0,0)grid(16,16);




\documentclass[tikz, border=40mm]{standalone}
\animategraphics[controls=all, loop]{15}{Go-game}{}{}

