![Fehler beim Installieren von Kivy mit pip auf GalliumOS](https://rvso.com/image/112005/Fehler%20beim%20Installieren%20von%20Kivy%20mit%20pip%20auf%20GalliumOS.png)
Ich installiere Kivy auf meinem Laptop mit GalliumOS und wenn ich das tue
pip install kivy
Es gibt mir all dieses Zeug. Ich bin neu bei Linux und Python, also habe ich keine Ahnung, was das alles wirklich bedeutet.
Collecting kivy
Using cached Kivy-1.10.0.tar.gz
Complete output from command python setup.py egg_info:
Using distutils
Detected Cython version 0.23.4
Using this graphics system: OpenGL
WARNING: A problem occurred while running pkg-config --libs --cflags gstreamer-1.0 (code 1)
Package gstreamer-1.0 was not found in the pkg-config search path.
Perhaps you should add the directory containing `gstreamer-1.0.pc'
to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable
No package 'gstreamer-1.0' found
WARNING: A problem occurred while running pkg-config --libs --cflags sdl2 SDL2_ttf SDL2_image SDL2_mixer (code 1)
Package sdl2 was not found in the pkg-config search path.
Perhaps you should add the directory containing `sdl2.pc'
to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable
No package 'sdl2' found
Package SDL2_ttf was not found in the pkg-config search path.
Perhaps you should add the directory containing `SDL2_ttf.pc'
to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable
No package 'SDL2_ttf' found
Package SDL2_image was not found in the pkg-config search path.
Perhaps you should add the directory containing `SDL2_image.pc'
to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable
No package 'SDL2_image' found
Package SDL2_mixer was not found in the pkg-config search path.
Perhaps you should add the directory containing `SDL2_mixer.pc'
to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable
No package 'SDL2_mixer' found
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
File "/tmp/pip-build-4Vxs2J/kivy/setup.py", line 934, in <module>
File "/tmp/pip-build-4Vxs2J/kivy/setup.py", line 47, in get_version
['git', 'rev-parse', 'HEAD']
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/subprocess.py", line 567, in check_output
process = Popen(stdout=PIPE, *popenargs, **kwargs)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/subprocess.py", line 711, in __init__
errread, errwrite)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/subprocess.py", line 1343, in _execute_child
raise child_exception
OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
Command "python setup.py egg_info" failed with error code 1 in /tmp/pip-build-4Vxs2J/kivy/
Ich versuche lediglich, Kivy zu installieren. Ich habe Pip installiert, da ich in der Vergangenheit ein wenig Pygame verwendet habe.
Gibt es eine einfache Möglichkeit, das zu beheben? Ich bin nicht besonders scharf darauf, in den Dateien zu wühlen, aber ich werde es tun, wenn es sein muss, damit es funktioniert.
Ich habe sowohl Python 2.7 als auch 3.5 installiert.
Kein Paket {gstreamer-1.0.pc, sdl2.pc, SDL2_ttf.pc, SDL2_image.pc, SDL2_mixer.pc}
Dh /usr/lib/pkgconfig/[files].pc
sudo apt-get install apt-file
: Dann können Sie verwenden, apt-file search [file.pc]
um die [Pakete] aufzulisten-Entwicklererforderlich für Kivy. (Wahrscheinlich wie libgstreamer0.10-dev, libsdl2-dev usw.)