Ich verwende diese Vorlage für SDM-Papierhttp://www.siam.org/proceedings/macros/soda2e.all.
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\author{Corey Gray\thanks{Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics.} \\
Tricia Manning\thanks{Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics.}}
Ich möchte, dass Corey Grat und Tricial Manning dasselbe Vorzeichen haben * und dass die Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics nur einmal angezeigt wird
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%\setcounter{chapter}{2} % If you are doing your chapter as chapter one,
%\setcounter{section}{3} % comment these two lines out.
\title{\Large SIAM/ACM Preprint Series Macros for
Use With LaTeX\thanks{Supported by GSF grants ABC123, DEF456, and GHI789.}}
\author{Corey Gray\thanks{Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics.} \\
Tricia Manning\footnotemark[2]} %{Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics.}}
%\setcounter{page}{1}%Leave this line commented out.
\begin{abstract} \small\baselineskip=9pt This is the text of my abstract. It is a brief
description of my
paper, outlining the purposes and goals I am trying to address.\end{abstract}
\section{Problem Specification.}In this paper, we consider the solution of the $N \times
N$ linear
\begin{equation} \label{e1.1}
A x = b
where $A$ is large, sparse, symmetric, and positive definite. We consider
the direct solution of (\ref{e1.1}) by means of general sparse Gaussian
elimination. In such a procedure, we find a permutation matrix $P$, and
compute the decomposition
P A P^{t} = L D L^{t}
where $L$ is unit lower triangular and $D$ is diagonal.
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\author{Corey Gray\thanks{Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics.} \\
Tricia Manning\footnotemark[2]}
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