
Ich arbeite an meiner Abschlussarbeit und habe einige Probleme mit Bibtex. Zunächst die Fehlermeldung:
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hor in Paralindelof Warnung – leerer Titel in Paralindelof Warnung – leere Zeitschrift in Paralindelof Warnung – leeres Jahr in Paralindelof Warnung – leerer Autor und Herausgeber in Handbuch Warnung – leerer Titel in Handbuch Warnung – leerer Herausgeber in Handbuch Warnung – leeres Jahr in Handbuch Warnung – leerer Autor in Zuordnungen Warnung – leerer Titel in Zuordnungen Warnung – leere Zeitschrift in Zuordnungen Warnung – leeres Jahr in Zuordnungen Warnung – leerer Autor in Menger Warnung – leerer Titel in Menger Warnung – leere Zeitschrift in Menger Warnung – leeres Jahr in Menger Warnung – leerer Autor in Einige Warnung – leerer Titel in Einige Warnung – leere Zeitschrift in Einige Warnung – leeres Jahr in Einige Warnung – leerer Autor in Die Warnung – leerer Titel in Die Warnung – leere Zeitschrift in Die Warnung – leeres Jahr in Die (Es gab 18 Fehlermeldungen)
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Und meine Bibliographie:
@ARTICLE {A comparison of Lindelof-type covering properties of topological spaces,
author = "P. Staynova",
title = "A comparison of Lindelöf-type covering properties of topological spaces",
journal = "Rose-Hulman. Undergraduate Mathematics Journal",
year = "2011",
volume = "12",
number = "2",
pages = "1-42"
@BOOK {Rings of Continuous Functions,
author = "L. Gillman{,} M. Jerison",
title = "Rings of Continuous Functions",
publisher = "Springer Verlag",
year = "1960",
edition = "first"
@BOOK {General Topology. Revised and completed edition,
author = "R. Engelking",
title = "General Topology. Revised and completed edition",
publisher = "Heldermann Verlag",
year = "1989"
edition = "first"
@BOOK {Extensions and absolutes of Hausdorff spaces,
author = "J. R. Porter{,} R. G. Woods",
title = "Extensions and absolutes of Hausdorff spaces",
publisher = "Springer Verlag",
year = "1980",
edition = "first"
@ARTICLE {Chain Conditions in Para Lindelof and related spaces,
author = "R. L. Blair",
title = "Chain Conditions in Para-Lindelöf and related spaces",
journal = "Topology Proceedings",
year = "1986",
volume = "11",
pages = "247-266"
@ARTICLE {On the generalized Lindelöf property,
author = "J. Ewert{,} S. P. Ponomarev",
title = "On the generalized Lindelöf property",
journal = "Real Analysis Exchange",
year = "1999",
pages = "177-194",
month = "jul"
@ARTICLE {Paralindelof spaces and closed mappings,
author = "D. K. Burke",
title = "Paralindelöf spaces and closed mappings",
journal = "Topology Proceedings",
year = "1980",
volume = "5",
pages = "47-57"
@BOOK {Handbook of the History of General Topology volume 1,
author = "C.E Aull{,} R. Lowen",
title = "Handbook of the History of General Topology",
publisher = "Kluwer Academic Publishers",
year = "1997",
volume = "Volume 1",
edition = "first"
@BOOK {Handbook of the History of General Topology volume 3,
author = "C.E Aull{,} R. Lowen",
title = "Handbook of the History of General Topology",
publisher = "Kluwer Academic Publishers",
year = "2001",
volume = "Volume 3",
edition = "first"
@ARTICLE {A Note on Quasi Lindelof Spaces,
author = "P. Staynova",
title = "A Note on Quasi-Lindelöf Spaces",
journal = "Proceedings of the Forty First Spring Conference of the Union of Bulgarian Mathematicians"
year = "2012",
month = "dec",
@BOOK {Handbook of the History of General Topology volume 2,
author = "C.E Aull{,} R. Lowen",
title = "Handbook of the History of General Topology",
publisher = "Kluwer Academic Publishers",
year = "1998",
volume = "Volume 2",
edition = "first"
@ARTICLE {Mappings and decompositions of continuity on almost Lindelof spaces,
author = "A. J. Fawakhreh{,} A. Kili{\c c}man",
title = "Mappings and decompositions of continuity on almost Lindelöf spaces",
journal = "International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences",
year = "2006",
pages = "1-7",
month = "mar"
@ARTICLE {Menger type covering properties of topological spaces,
author = "D. Kocev",
title = "Menger-type covering properties of topological spaces",
journal = "Filomat",
year = "2014",
volume = "29"
number = "1"
pages = "99-106"
@ARTICLE{On almost Lindelof spaces,
author = "H. Z. Hdeib{,} M. S. Sarsak",
title = "On almost Lindelöf spaces",
journal = "Questions and Answers in General Topology"
year = "2001",
month = "jan",
@ARTICLE {On relatively almost Lindelof subsets,
author = "M. S. Sarsak",
title = "On relatively almost Lindelöf subsets",
journal = "Acta Mathematica Hungarica",
year = "2002",
volume = "97",
number = "1",
pages = "109-114"
@ARTICLE {Some counterexamples and properties on generalizations of Lindelof spaces,
author = "F. Cammaroto{,} G. Santoro",
title = "Some counterexamples and properties on generalizations of Lindelöf spaces",
journal = "International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences",
year = "1996",
volume = "19",
number = "4",
pages = "737-746",
month = "sep"
@ARTICLE {The almost Lindelof degree,
author = "S. Willard{,} U.N.B. Dissanayake",
title = "The almost Lindelöf degree",
journal = "Canadian Mathematical Bulletin",
year = "1984",
volume = "27",
number = "4",
pages = "452-455"
@inproceedings{The Lindelof Property,
author = "C. Good",
title = "The Lindelöf Property",
year = "2003",
month = "dec",
Ich habe in diesem Forum zahlreiche Einträge zu demselben Problem gelesen, aber die geposteten Lösungen funktionieren bei mir nicht.
Was mache ich falsch? Wo liegt das Problem?
Die Felder, die laut Fehlermeldung leer sind, sind tatsächlich nicht leer. Ich bin für jede Hilfe, die Sie mir geben können, wirklich dankbar.
Nach den Kommentaren zu meinem Beitrag habe ich die Fehlermeldung mit BibTeX behoben, nun erscheint jedoch eine andere Fehlermeldung:
Prozess gestartet
Dies ist BibTeX, Version 0.99d (MiKTeX 2.9.6960 64-bit) Die Hilfsdatei der obersten Ebene: Eigenschaften vom Typ Lindel
Prozess mit Fehler(n) beendet
Meine Datei funktioniert jedoch und die Bibliographie erscheint im PDF. Hier ist meine Bibliographiedatei:
@ARTICLE {p.staynova2011,
author = "P. Staynova",
title = "A comparison of Lindelöf-type covering properties of topological spaces",
journal = "Rose-Hulman. Undergraduate Mathematics Journal",
year = "2011",
volume = "12",
number = "2",
pages = "1-42"
@BOOK {l.gillmanm.jerison1960,
author = "L. Gillman and M. Jerison",
title = "Rings of Continuous Functions",
publisher = "Springer Verlag",
year = "1960",
edition = "first"
@BOOK {r.engelking1989,
author = "R. Engelking",
title = "General Topology. Revised and completed edition",
publisher = "Heldermann Verlag",
year = "1989"
edition = "first"
@BOOK {j.r.porterr.g.woods1980,
author = "J. R. Porter and R. G. Woods",
title = "Extensions and absolutes of Hausdorff spaces",
publisher = "Springer Verlag",
year = "1980",
edition = "first"
@ARTICLE {r.l.blair1986,
author = "R. L. Blair",
title = "Chain Conditions in Para-Lindelöf and related spaces",
journal = "Topology Proceedings",
year = "1986",
volume = "11",
pages = "247-266"
@ARTICLE {j.ewerts.p.ponomarev1999,
author = "J. Ewert and S. P. Ponomarev",
title = "On the generalized Lindelöf property",
journal = "Real Analysis Exchange",
year = "1999",
pages = "177-194",
month = "jul"
@ARTICLE {d.k.burke1980,
author = "D. K. Burke",
title = "Paralindelöf spaces and closed mappings",
journal = "Topology Proceedings",
year = "1980",
volume = "5",
pages = "47-57"
@BOOK {c.eaullr.lowen1997.volume1,
author = "C.E Aull and R. Lowen",
title = "Handbook of the History of General Topology",
publisher = "Kluwer Academic Publishers",
year = "1997",
volume = "Volume 1",
edition = "first"
@BOOK {c.eaullr.lowen2001.volume3,
author = "C.E Aull and R. Lowen",
title = "Handbook of the History of General Topology",
publisher = "Kluwer Academic Publishers",
year = "2001",
volume = "Volume 3",
edition = "first"
@ARTICLE {p.staynova2012,
author = "P. Staynova",
title = "A Note on Quasi-Lindelöf Spaces",
journal = "Proceedings of the Forty First Spring Conference of the Union of Bulgarian Mathematicians"
year = "2012",
month = "dec",
@BOOK {c.eaullr.lowen2001.volume2,
author = "C.E Aull and R. Lowen",
title = "Handbook of the History of General Topology",
publisher = "Kluwer Academic Publishers",
year = "1998",
volume = "Volume 2",
edition = "first"
@ARTICLE {a.j.fawakhreha.kilicman2006,
author = "A. J. Fawakhreh and A. Kiliçman",
title = "Mappings and decompositions of continuity on almost Lindelöf spaces",
journal = "International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences",
year = "2006",
pages = "1-7",
month = "mar"
@ARTICLE {d.kocev2014,
author = "D. Kocev",
title = "Menger-type covering properties of topological spaces",
journal = "Filomat",
year = "2014",
volume = "29"
number = "1"
pages = "99-106"
author = "H. Z. Hdeib and M. S. Sarsak",
title = "On almost Lindelöf spaces",
journal = "Questions and Answers in General Topology"
year = "2001",
month = "jan",
@ARTICLE {m.s.sarsak2002,
author = "M. S. Sarsak",
title = "On relatively almost Lindelöf subsets",
journal = "Acta Mathematica Hungarica",
year = "2002",
volume = "97",
number = "1",
pages = "109-114"
@ARTICLE {f.cammarotog.santoro1996,
author = "F. Cammaroto and G. Santoro",
title = "Some counterexamples and properties on generalizations of Lindelöf spaces",
journal = "International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences",
year = "1996",
volume = "19",
number = "4",
pages = "737-746",
month = "sep"
@ARTICLE {s.willardu.n.b.dissanayake1984,
author = "S. Willard and U.N.B. Dissanayake",
title = "The almost Lindelöf degree",
journal = "Canadian Mathematical Bulletin",
year = "1984",
volume = "27",
number = "4",
pages = "452-455"
author = "C. Good",
title = "The Lindelöf Property",
year = "2003",
month = "dec",
@BOOK {a.t.mascaruaf.c.segura2015,
author = "A. T. Mascarúa and F. C. Segura",
title = "Elementos de Topología General",
publisher = "Instituto de Matemáticas. UNAM.",
year = "2015",
edition = "first",
month = "jan"
und hier ist das Ergebnis:
Da Sie uns zum Erstellen der Bibliografie keinen Tex-Code gegeben haben, habe ich für Ihre Bibliografie einfach meine Standard-BibTex-Testdatei verwendet.
Der Grund für Ihre Fehler sind fehlende Kommas am Ende einiger Zeilen in Ihrer Bib-Datei.
Bitte beachten Sie den folgenden Code
author = {Goossens, Michel and Mittelbach, Frank and
Samarin, Alexander},
title = {The LaTeX Companion},
edition = {1},
publisher = {Addison-Wesley},
location = {Reading, Mass.},
year = {1994},
title = {The Restaurant at the End of the Universe},
author = {Douglas Adams},
series = {The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy},
publisher = {Pan Macmillan},
year = {1980},
@ARTICLE {p.staynova2011,
author = "P. Staynova",
title = "A comparison of Lindelöf-type covering properties of topological spaces",
journal = "Rose-Hulman. Undergraduate Mathematics Journal",
year = "2011",
volume = "12",
number = "2",
pages = "1-42",
@BOOK {l.gillmanm.jerison1960,
author = "L. Gillman and M. Jerison",
title = "Rings of Continuous Functions",
publisher = "Springer Verlag",
year = "1960",
edition = "first",
@BOOK {r.engelking1989,
author = "R. Engelking",
title = "General Topology. Revised and completed edition",
publisher = "Heldermann Verlag",
year = "1989",
edition = "first",
@BOOK {j.r.porterr.g.woods1980,
author = "J. R. Porter and R. G. Woods",
title = "Extensions and absolutes of Hausdorff spaces",
publisher = "Springer Verlag",
year = "1980",
edition = "first",
@ARTICLE {r.l.blair1986,
author = "R. L. Blair",
title = "Chain Conditions in Para-Lindelöf and related spaces",
journal = "Topology Proceedings",
year = "1986",
volume = "11",
pages = "247-266",
@ARTICLE {j.ewerts.p.ponomarev1999,
author = "J. Ewert and S. P. Ponomarev",
title = "On the generalized Lindelöf property",
journal = "Real Analysis Exchange",
year = "1999",
pages = "177-194",
month = "jul",
@ARTICLE {d.k.burke1980,
author = "D. K. Burke",
title = "Paralindelöf spaces and closed mappings",
journal = "Topology Proceedings",
year = "1980",
volume = "5",
pages = "47-57",
@BOOK {c.eaullr.lowen1997.volume1,
author = "C.E Aull and R. Lowen",
title = "Handbook of the History of General Topology",
publisher = "Kluwer Academic Publishers",
year = "1997",
volume = "Volume 1",
edition = "first",
@BOOK {c.eaullr.lowen2001.volume3,
author = "C.E Aull and R. Lowen",
title = "Handbook of the History of General Topology",
publisher = "Kluwer Academic Publishers",
year = "2001",
volume = "Volume 3",
edition = "first",
@ARTICLE {p.staynova2012,
author = "P. Staynova",
title = "A Note on Quasi-Lindelöf Spaces",
journal = "Proceedings of the Forty First Spring Conference of the Union of Bulgarian Mathematicians",
year = "2012",
month = "dec",
@BOOK {c.eaullr.lowen2001.volume2,
author = "C.E Aull and R. Lowen",
title = "Handbook of the History of General Topology",
publisher = "Kluwer Academic Publishers",
year = "1998",
volume = "Volume 2",
edition = "first",
@ARTICLE {a.j.fawakhreha.kilicman2006,
author = "A. J. Fawakhreh and A. Kiliçman",
title = "Mappings and decompositions of continuity on almost Lindelöf spaces",
journal = "International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences",
year = "2006",
pages = "1-7",
month = "mar",
@ARTICLE {d.kocev2014,
author = "D. Kocev",
title = "Menger-type covering properties of topological spaces",
journal = "Filomat",
year = "2014",
volume = "29",
number = "1",
pages = "99-106",
author = "H. Z. Hdeib and M. S. Sarsak",
title = "On almost Lindelöf spaces",
journal = "Questions and Answers in General Topology",
year = "2001",
month = "jan",
@ARTICLE {m.s.sarsak2002,
author = "M. S. Sarsak",
title = "On relatively almost Lindelöf subsets",
journal = "Acta Mathematica Hungarica",
year = "2002",
volume = "97",
number = "1",
pages = "109-114",
@ARTICLE {f.cammarotog.santoro1996,
author = "F. Cammaroto and G. Santoro",
title = "Some counterexamples and properties on generalizations of Lindelöf spaces",
journal = "International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences",
year = "1996",
volume = "19",
number = "4",
pages = "737-746",
month = "sep",
@ARTICLE {s.willardu.n.b.dissanayake1984,
author = "S. Willard and U.N.B. Dissanayake",
title = "The almost Lindelöf degree",
journal = "Canadian Mathematical Bulletin",
year = "1984",
volume = "27",
number = "4",
pages = "452-455",
author = "C. Good",
title = "The Lindelöf Property",
year = "2003",
month = "dec",
@BOOK {a.t.mascaruaf.c.segura2015,
author = "A. T. Mascarúa and F. C. Segura",
title = "Elementos de Topología General",
publisher = "Instituto de Matemáticas. UNAM.",
year = "2015",
edition = "first",
month = "jan"
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